K blades just wondering is it normal to be depressed when your smoking buddy moves? Mine moved away about 5 weeks or so ago and my smoking experiences just haven't been the sam since I smoked with him last they have been boring anyways I gota new smoking buddy but he is anoying as shit when he gets high (acts way higher then he is) just wonderin if its normal to be depressed an for the highs to change?
I'd be depressed too. I HATE smoking alone unless i want to be alone, which is hardly ever. I usually smoke with my GF, but if not i could smoke with other people, but it wouldnt be the same.
Lol yea smoking alone sucks :-/ I'm blitsed as shit right now and am bored as hell to lol. Lol yea its def not the same smoking with other people especialy if smokin is the only thing ya have in common
I only smoke with one of my mates at this point... the first kid I ever smoked... tripped... rolled... got drunk with. He's my boy.
true, i have alot in common with most of my friends. But when they get stoned they're just boring. Me and my Gf always go out and do something. I smoke alot with another one of my friends, if he moved i'd probly be depressed as much as you are.
Lol yea he was the first person I smoked and really stoned as shit with and the first person that I tripped with lol Lol yup he doesn't do shit either lol he smokes and acts higher then he is lol. An yea lol we would either build pipes (complex by the time we grew bored of it) and would always come up with massivly dumb shit to do
Embrace the change. Your new friend may not have your tolerance and he might be VERY high. Or he could be trying to impress you. I would suggest giving him time to chill out, maybe once you get blazed one day, You should tell him how much you enjoy just hanging out and chilling. Stress the chilling out part. He'll take the hint if he's worth being your friend. Try it out bro. I am a very excitable person so I feel for your friend. My best friend about 16 years ago told me the same thing. Chill, Let's just enjoy our buzz.
Just make sure he is spazzing out when you say it. If he is not, He may get pissed off at you. If he is like me he does know it when it is pointed out.
Will do dude thanks . Gonna head down to denver an chill with my old smokin buddy sometime in march hopfully I can afford some weed lol should be awesome either way tho lol
Feel ya man. i left college and the homie that i use to toke wit all the time. every friday we had a ritual. get all home work done after practice, go eat dinner, pick up weed, smoke weed, chill and watch a movie (most of the time Friday) no homo. i got folks to smoke wit, but he was just as chill as me. like another me
Lol yea rituals like that usta kick ass (pistol wars on cod4 an mw2 lol) Yea its def gona suck when I am the only person tokin an everyone else is quiting Lol one already did (my newer smoking buddy) now he's just a straight up anyoing person whom I had nothing in common with other then weed lol. Btw what's no homo mean?