Losing your appetite while cooking...

Discussion in 'General' started by CurtChronic, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Have you ever made a meal, and you were so focused on getting it done in a hurry that you lost your appetite along the way? It's happened to me before, but tonight was the worst.

    It was a VERY simple dinner tonight, but I was also running around taking care of other things. I don't know what it was, but after I got done cooking dinner for my wife and myself, I just didn't have an appetite. I made burgers, brats, potatoes and green beans and afterward I hardly touched any of it.

    Has that happened to anyone?
  2. I'm always hungry because I'm always stoned so this is impossible for it to happen to me.:smoking:
  3. Meh, I didn't feel like smoking tonight. But I love cooking stoned.

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