Someone made this point to me when i was telling them i dont believe god, they said that experiments have been done and that we lose a stone in weight that cant be accounted for and it is meant to be 'the soul'. Anyone ever heard this? It sounds like bull to me, although id love it to be true. I was going to post this in science section but i kinda dont want there to be a scientific explanation, i was going to post in the religion section but im agnostic/atheist so i thought id opt for the spiritual section!
Probably all the shit and piss leaving your body. Pretty sure they made a South Park episode about that
21 grams theory? Heard of it. Don't believe it. Maybe the extra weight was muscles being tensed or something and when the person actually died they eased up. IDK
There's a Will Smith movie called 21 grams that tells the whole deal. I dunno about it for real though.
In 1907 Dr Duncan MacDougall made weight measurements of patients as they died. He claimed that there was weight loss of varying amounts at the time of death. His results have never been reproduced, and are generally regarded either as meaningless or considered to have had little if any scientific merit.
[quote name='"Apu"']In 1907 Dr Duncan MacDougall made weight measurements of patients as they died. He claimed that there was weight loss of varying amounts at the time of death. His results have never been reproduced, and are generally regarded either as meaningless or considered to have had little if any scientific merit.[/quote] Links please sounds interesting
21 Grams › News in Science (ABC Science) Most trustworthy source I could find of the bat. I do not keep them bookmarked haha
It is said that test were on slabs/beds so any excrement would still be there. It is also said that the loss is not from exhaling, and also did not work with animals.... dogs specifically. Interesting, but Im sure there is more to it.
[quote name='"Scream ahh"']21 grams theory? Heard of it. Don't believe it. Maybe the extra weight was muscles being tensed or something and when the person actually died they eased up. IDK[/quote] Haha no matter how tense your muscles are it has absolutely nothing to do with weight
Lol you can't just increase your weight at will... that would be like a superpower or something. Scales are not exact weights, they are approximate. @OP: Probably gasses leaving the body.
You're most likely pushing down on the scale harder is all. If you push down with your legs the weight will go up.
That's what I mean. I don't mean I'm increasing pounds. I mean there's added pressure. I'm assuming they were laying down on some type of scale. Even a little movement is a little force, and 21 grams is a little weight. Just a guess. I'm no doctor or scientist
this study seems to suggest that the soul is corporeal. but that it must then change states and become incorporeal. if it is some kind of energy carried in particles (like electrons), 21g is a LOT of subatomic particles to lose without any observable side effect. if this corporeal soul can be observed upon death, one must wonder why it can't be observed during life. we've got some awfully good scanning equipment these days.
People seem to say the 21g is air in the lungs etc. There is a big difference between 21 grams and a stone though, i may have to make this point to the person who told me this, see what they have to say
There is answers to that. But I can't talk about unmentionables even if they do come from our body lol