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Los Angeles, Venice Beach Blades

Discussion in 'General' started by bahookahjoe18, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Hey Blades, 
    I'll be in Venice Beach in one week.  I thought I'd be able to sleep in a tent on a nearby beach, but as I should have expected, this is illegal.  So, can anyone recommend a good CHEAP place to camp? Or, does anyone have a couch or floor I can crash on?  I'll play you a song in exchange.  :)  

    Looking forward to seeing California.
  2. you could always join the bums in venice/LA im sure they have no trouble finding a place to sleep every night
  3. there are cheapish hostel style places, but no, you can't sleep in public without getting hassled
    don't think the gf would be too keen on strangers on the floor, sorry 
  4. Maybe we could eliminate the strangers status first?  I'd love to meet up for tea or something.  
    I'm just trying to get some raw experience Blades.  I've got faith this will work out decently.
  5. Dude I'm jealous. I'm planing on doing something similar next year. I just wanna go out west with a tent and whatever I can fit in a backpack and see what I want to see.

    Hope it works out for you dude
  6. Heard they got some cheap motels in inglewood! Lol jk idk man u cant just park a tent on any beach for free and definately not around venice, venice is pretty sketchy, wouldnt wanna be there with tweekers and night

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