Am I the only one who thinks she's gorgeous? Everyone I know says she's ugly. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I love her song 'royals'How did she get so famous so fast? Anyhooo, yeah she has a unique look. But pretty? No IMOM3ssenger
[quote name="M3ssenger" post="19444304" timestamp="1391217229"]I love her song 'royals'How did she get so famous so fast? Anyhooo, yeah she has a unique look. But pretty? No IMOM3ssenger[/quote]Whaaaaat. I don't see how you don't think so. But honestly I can't pinpoint the reason why I find her so attractive either. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Watch her live. She looks like she's have a simultaneous stroke and seizure with her crazy sideways mouth tick and arm flailing. Her stuff is not too bad tho, good song writer in my book. And that pic is such a poor representation of her actual look/style. Janis Joplin-esque artist of her generation possibly.
I don't think she's good looking. Also, if you do some thin digging you'll find that she said that she is better than Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Madonna also disrespected Britney Spears, and Beyoncé. She also says sarcastic things about Americans in general. I don't really care for those artist's, but it just annoyed me that she would be so cocky when she's only been famous in the us for a few month, only had radio play for one song.. she recently apologized to Taylor Swift and now there best friends. Fuck dude I'm super stoned I feel like typing this and swinging my head back and forth like "no you diiint" lolSent from my SCH-I545 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="Hypoxic" post="19445122" timestamp="1391226584"]Watch her live. She looks like she's have a simultaneous stroke and seizure with her crazy sideways mouth tick and arm flailing. Her stuff is not too bad tho, good song writer in my book.And that pic is such a poor representation of her actual look/style. Janis Joplin-esque artist of her generation possibly. image.jpg[/quote]lmao. Dude, if that don't make it limp... people need therapy hahaSent from my SCH-I545 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
man i was right about too nut and swear went instant limp as soon as i saw that i got blue balls
I think she looks like a bird from some angles and like the Gargamel from the Smurfs from other angles. Don't get me started on her though. Once I found out where she was from and what the that Royal song means I felt a lot of hatred for her success. Not just on her but the whole conformity of that stupid ass song. Im jus sayin this rich bitch came out of no where she started talking about people dreaming about cadillac's most likely on 26" rims. Im hoping someone makes a spoof of this bitch real soon. She could have used that voice to do something more appealing and less controversial. I like how she sounds but I hate her lyrics. Also this second song of hers on the radio is causing me to change stations more frequently.
17? Rode hard and put awy wet? Here's that whole series (actually it's animated gif) but seriously who wouldn't wanna look at that O face?
Jesus fuck, that's her? The first photo posted in the op she looks pretty, but she looks ugly as sin in this picture. From what I understand, not having done much looking into her personality, she's a pretentious, arrogant little fuck. Her song "royals" is decent and catchy but sort of childish, I think. I thought she was a cutie but this thread made me reevaluate my whole stance on attractiveness.
She's prolly a pretty girl under it all. She just chooses the dark pale black makeup look to show off all that teenage angst. That's her choice and that's cool, but she'd be all over the place if she embraced the look from that first pic and not the Adam's Family meets The Craft style she's sporting currently.
Yeah, I dunno. I just looked up some pictures of her. She's got a sort of masculine/scary goth look going on and it freaks me out.
She's beautiful, but personally I don't think she has THAT much know, nothing too special. She graced the cover of Rolling Stone and won a Grammy though. Haha oh yeah and at first I thought she was Madonna's daughter
She kinda looks like ozzy Osborne in that picture hahaSent from my SCH-I545 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="ColinFly" post="19446026" timestamp="1391239411"]bruh, she's 17[/quote]Bruh I'm 19Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="Hypoxic" post="19445122" timestamp="1391226584"]Watch her live. She looks like she's have a simultaneous stroke and seizure with her crazy sideways mouth tick and arm flailing. Her stuff is not too bad tho, good song writer in my book.And that pic is such a poor representation of her actual look/style. Janis Joplin-esque artist of her generation possibly. image.jpg[/quote]haha but most people look retarded when they sing. All I'm sayin is as long as she's got some makeup on I'd take her to pound town. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum