Lord of the rings online is free to play

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Jdahms, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. theres a reason its free to play, there was a guy in my wow guild at one point who was developing that game or working on it
  2. thats extremely vague

    ive heard nothing but good things about the game from people who play it
  3. im just grumpy and burned out on mmos so i have no expectations for any of them going into it

    but normally when you go from pay to play to free to play its because you have no one playing your game
  4. just because something isnt popular doesnt mean it isnt good.

  5. but it affects how the game flows, if you cant find people to group it makes it harder, mmos aren't really for soloing. low pop mmos aren't as enjoyable.

    if it was so good we would hear more about it
  6. Im sure there is still a large enough pop to play it man.
  7. i DL'd the client. this is the perfect thing for a hopeless-nostalgic like me. i enjoyed the shit out of the books and intend to read either The Silmarilion or one of the Books of Lost Tales again soon.

    what ever is said about the game as an mmo is w/e. it is, however, entirely worth the download.
  8. The game is one of the better MMO's out there hands down.
  9. #10 Tha Professor, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Let's rock Middle Earth GC.

    I think we should get something going on here.

    Edit: Just made a captain on the first world I believe, named Professorr.
  10. #11 phiegnux, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    im adding you, my name is Somatose. im super noobish, only level 11.

    EDIT: player name Professorr came back as non existent
  11. i kept blue screening during the download.

    im going to try again today see if i can get it to work
  12. hmm maybe i get this. i'm using my brothers computer right now, i'll have to ask if i can download it.
  13. i couldnt give this game more than 5 mins

    want rift nao

  14. lol ditto. i got through the first quest line and bailed

  15. yeah man Im a strong believer in you get what you pay for

    being free to play... yeah :D

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