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Loony Toon Characters: Who was the Stoner?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by GreenLady36, May 29, 2009.

  1. The Pink Panther was definitely smoking herb.

  2. very clever haha +rep
  3. They were thinking, "Wow, this show is going to be awesome!" and... they were right, haha.
  4. Nice dude niiice. haha
  5. lol they were gettin' wet. Pcp!!!
  6. Taz will get down on some shermstick anyday
  7. Plankton smokes PCP laced blunts
  8. #48 cheeseme, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2009
    the teenage mutant ninja turtles were always catting for some pizza, mad munchies i tell you.

    not a cartoon but, Animal from the muppets was def on speed or coke or some kind of amphetamine, he was fucked up playing them drums

    edit: anybody remember Taz's dad hugh? was def a stoner from the way he talked man, nobody was as chill as him and his OJ
  9. #50 Miklelottesen, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2009
    If he's on angeldust, wtf are the dudes at Acme on?

    No man, he shot cocaine like Sherloc Holmes, you know, to keep his brain spinnin' when he's bored...

    Damn, I haven't watched that since I was a kid. Think I'm gonna google me some of that :smoke:
  10. they were on that pagan purple to keep turning out them wacky ideas 24/7.....i mean a rocket with handlebars?!?!? Genius!!
  11. In that Wikipedia link it list all the Loony Tune characters.

    I saw "Granny" Granny was gangsta! She must have been doing a little coke with her daily spliffs. Who remembers that short where she was in that box going "tic, tic, tic, tic, tic" like she was a bomb. Only a high person would think of that! LOL!!
  12. This is a great thread. I read all the way through it and didn't see slowpoke rodrigues till that last page. The mexican stereotypr he represents is why cannabis is illegal. If only those stupid fucks in the 1930's knew that instead of bitching because mexicans are lazy, we bitch because they are goddamn powerhouse workers. "They're stealing our jobs"! (southpark quote, I have no beef with mexicans, unless it's seasoned.)
  13. I spent the passt hour on that wiki and it was bad ass. Also got a new back ground from Taz. He will be on my blazer when I paint it.
  14. This thread is full of win. I'm glad to see a quality thread in " Seasoned Tokers ".

    I can definitely see the accuracy in each character's drug of choice. It matches up with their in-show description perfectly. What other cartoons would be pretty easy to assign drugs to the characters?
  15. Great pic too!!! He looks BAKED!!!its like:smoke:then:smoking: then:hippie:.....

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