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Looks like a CalMag issue . . .

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by HydroDawg421, Apr 12, 2023.

  1. #1 HydroDawg421, Apr 12, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
    Green Crack & Gush Mints strain using Air-Pots in hydroton. The plants look otherwise very healthy. I water for 10 minutes every 4 hours.

    This presents as a CalMag problem (I think) but I add 30-50ml of CalMag + Iron to a 12-gallon reservoir when I change my nutes every 5-7 days. That being said I find it hard to imagine this is a CalMag deficiency. EC of 2.4 with 1100/1500 ppm's (500/700 scale). When I add that much CalMag, it spikes my EC to about 2.7 and I have to dilute it back down to 2.4. I also add 1 cup of hypochlorous acid when I mix a fresh batch of nutes. It's a food-safe disinfectant that doesn't change EC/ppm's or affect the Ph. It's essentially bleach without the bleach!

    I'm growing in a 4x4 flood/drain using top feed that drains back to the reservoir. Using Jack's 321. The room is temp-controlled (78 degrees), temp at the plant tops is 80 degrees, and the lights are approx 18" above the tops, 60%-ish RH, running 1250ppm CO2. Water is chilled to 65 degrees. Ph is always between 5.8 - 6.2. VPD is .75 -1.0 typically.

    I have 1 LED NextLight Mega Pro. I just raised it from 12" to 18". I guess this could be light burn?

    I also have nothing in my well water. It comes back at .09 EC. It's literally just water ;)

    top-drip-hydroponic-system-diagram.jpg IMG_5732.JPG IMG_5731.JPG
  2. a picture of the whole plant would help diagnose the problem better.
  3. Agree those leaves look shy on magnesium. But it sounds like there should be plenty.

    Wondering, do they start to show signs of toxicity when the EC hits 2.7 after the calmag? I would be tempted to leave it at 2.7 and see how they do for a day or two.

    For potential light burn, I don't *think* so. Best would be to get a cheap $35 Lux meter from amazon and know for sure.

    1250 on the CO2, are the girls are at a point they can use that? 80 degrees at the tops seems a bit cool for running over 1k CO2. VPD seems low for it as well. Its like hitting the nitrous but not stepping on the gas.

    Other thing that sticks out a little is the hypochlorous. I see that generally recommended at 2-3 ml/gallon. I use a solid 10 ml/gallon and folks think I am nuts. Probably guilty as charged on that one, but have never heard of someone adding as much as you are. Thinking about it, I can't really see how massive hypochlorous could result in a mag deficiency, but its a number that does seem out of range.

    Will be curious to see how this goes, as I am scratching my head a bit here. Please keep us updated.
    • Informative Informative x 1

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