It sucks, lol . im 18 and im mistaken by people who i meet for the first time for a 15/16 year old, movies i get id'd for R movies, anybody else have this prob
i have that problem too. the last time i bought swishers, the cashier chuckled and said "i need to see id, you're too young. i bet you're sixteen" right after i graduated high school, i went with my mom to this restaurant. she's known the owner for many years, so when he approached our table she bragged that i just graduated. he said "oh, what grade? seventh, eighth?"
I'm 20 and I get carded 90% of the time I buy cigarettes. Nevermind the fact I'll be legal this fall to buy alcohol, I can't fucking wait to be able to show my ID for that haha. I think we'll get the last laugh though, it can't always be a bad thing to look youthful can it?
most stores card everybody that looks under 25 cuz if they don't their asking to get fired same with R movies
I'm 21 but could very easily pass for 16/17 Fucker at 7/11 has carded me for a fucking lighter...twice.
no makeup -- i look verrry young makeup -- i look older im sort of a chameleon. i can turn into whatever age i want depending on my surroundings..