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looking to buy a pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by devilsheep, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. i've never really enjoyed smoking out of pipes, but thats mostly because ive smoked out of complete shit ones.

    How much would a decently working pipe be? 20-30$ you think?

    because sometimes im too lazy to roll a joint and then im left with nothin to burn with
  2. yeah thats that avg price for a glass peice.
  3. I paid $25 for my small glass pipe (its the size of a standard bic lighter).

    hits like a champ. don't buy the 10/15 dollar ones....
  4. yeah i paid 20 for mine and its the perfect size
  5. Get a bong instead, if you do buy a pipe, anything more than 20 (for premium colored glass) is a rip off
  6. I paid $40 and got a nice glass pipe. I've had $20 glass piped before and they were pretty thin and could have broken easily. Def worth the extra money to get a good one, otherwise you could be replacing it too soon...
  7. i got my glass piece from waterbeds. just went in to browse and got it on a whim. its from chameleon glass. is small/easily conceled, feels pretty durable, smokes nice, and i think it looks pretty neat for what i need. paid a little under fifteen bucks. its called the D-Rizzle if you feel like looking it up. but i think the main points to buying a pipe are:

    1)find one you like to look at, since you'll be holding it in front of your face and probably sharing it with friends.

    2)get a piece that fits your smoking needs. such as bowl size, pipe size, ease of concelement, ect.

    keep this in mind and you should be set.
  8. $40 for spoons for good glass is standard. $60 and up is a good ball park for premium glass. Clintons, Snodgrass, Cowboy, bear claw etc.
  9. my last glass pipe was $20 anything over $20-$30 is going to be your more custom pipes
  10. i got a tiny glass shotgun pipe for £4 from my local head shop. cheap, cheerful and does the job.
  11. I paid 15 for mine and it hits really well, much better than the $35 pipe a friend bought in my opinion. It's nice and small, but it does the job and you can pack about .5g or so per bowl
  12. i just got one a few weeks ago, color-changing hand blown pyrex, its pretty sick. Mad durable too, the lady at the store took the display model and chucked it across the room just to show me that it won't break. 20 bucks, mad deep bowl what more could a fella want
  13. +rep for Chameleon glass.

  14. Move to Canada... most expensive pipe is $60. I got an okay premium coloured glass pipe shaped like a mouse for $16.
  15. #15 Cynikal, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    Bubblers (Glass Pipe with water chamber) go for about $25 lowest avg price in cali
  16. i got mine for 30 and its pretty big. i couldn't be happier with it. And 20 to 25 for bubblers?? where is this?
  17. Get a stone pipe.
  18. stick to papers ,i find hemp papers are great ,
  19. Im waiting for my bullet, my experience with them has been good, i'll taste bullets from grasscity and i'll tell you about it...!!! :D:D:D
  20. i went to a local shop in my community fucking picked up a wooden pipe for 7.50$ best pipe i have ever used and my friends love the shit out of it, perfect ssize, screw on bowl easy to clean, everything jsut perfect, my friend actually offered me 20$ for it but i had to turn it down because my pipe has history

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