- Straight tube - Glass on glass - No thin glass but it doesn't have to be that thick - Perc (preferably spiral) - Removable down stem diffused - 16 inches or less in height - No carb hole, just slide - 100$ or less. I've been looking all over the place but a lot of these OHS's are sketchy lol, and it seems like GC doesn't have anything that fits this. Edit: And LHS's are wayyyyy too expensive. At least the ones here are.
I dont see you getting any straight tube with a perc for under 100 I mean even a zob straight tube is like 115-125 and their prices are super reasonable
I paid 45 for one like you described at my local gas station/cig store. Thick glass and all glass connections plus an ash catcher. Now i cant find one like it anywhere for that price.
ssfgglass.com You can get a nice straight tube for about $100 with all your specs. You're not going to find a quality perc for that price range. Throw in an extra $15-20 for a showerhead downstem through them, and another $75 for an inline ashcatcher and you're set for about $150-175.
[quote name='"Joox"']I dont see you getting any straight tube with a perc for under 100 I mean even a zob straight tube is like 115-125 and their prices are super reasonable[/quote] There's straight tubes with percs for like 50$ or 80$ on here
[quote name='"NeverMistakeMe"']- Straight tube - Glass on glass - No thin glass but it doesn't have to be that thick - Perc (preferably spiral) - Removable down stem diffused - 16 inches or less in height - No carb hole, just slide - 100$ or less. I've been looking all over the place but a lot of these OHS's are sketchy lol, and it seems like GC doesn't have anything that fits this. Edit: And LHS's are wayyyyy too expensive. At least the ones here are.[/quote] Why in the world would you want a spiral perc? And you're not getting a good bong with a perc for under $100. You will be able to find china glass that fits your requirements. You can however get a tube with a showerhead downstem, and a disk diffused slide for right around there from SSFG.
[quote name='"NeverMistakeMe"'] There's straight tubes with percs for like 50$ or 80$ on here[/quote] That doesn't mean they're high quality.
[quote name='"kyle944811"'] That doesn't mean they're high quality.[/quote] I'm sorry, but let's be honest. You're not getting a quality glass tube with a perc for $100. You get what you pay for, unless you find a steal on Craigslist.
My requirements. Heavily lamp worked, 3 feet, heady, disk diffused, stemline and made of solid gold. Less then 50 dollars please.
[quote name='"boobtree"']My requirements. Heavily lamp worked, 3 feet, heady, disk diffused, stemline and made of solid gold. Less then 50 dollars please.[/quote] And a triple honeycomb....
Percolator Bong Ice 'Black Leaf ELITE' 6 arm tree perc - Bongs and Waterpipes - Smoking Pipes - Grasscity.com - Straight tube - GonG - 5mm glass - 6 tree perc - slitted diffuser - 15.3 inches - No carb - if it has one, this range comes with a small rubber stopper for it - $80