so today i continued scouting for a potential spot to do work... i get out into the wood's and its looking promising it opens up a little bit and i see this patch prob 300 feet away from me and i was like perfect i start heading that way then out of the corner of my eye i notice stacks of 1 gallons jugs in the bush's to my side... and more trash deeper into the brush so i head in there....... this was some one else's grow spot there was all kinda stuff stashed into the bush's... shovels...... picks..... shoes..... old furts.....chair.....rope.... looks like there prob gonna use that same spot this year again or they would have taken there stuff.............. but on another note i think i found my own spot about a half a mile away from there.. gotta go out there again a few more times to make sure no1 goes out there...
bad idea relocate and find a new spot.two diffrent growers a half a mile away is most likely gonna end up stumbling onto each others also got to consider if its a potential hunting location.Also look out for sings that people walk them woods
Very instructive lesson here!...pack everything in and out of our grow area's...just as you now know the location of someone's grow. If we leave evidence (tools,cups,buckets,bags,etc.)at our grow spots...someone may be out hikeing/exploring during off-season and become aware of our endeavors...we come back, work hard, and grow... then get ripped right before our harvest.
Yep, clean up after your op. That guy is very stupid if he does use it this year with all the garbage lying around. I would find a totally new area like miles away or something.
Your right you cant be that sloppy about it.. The water bottles caught my eye and then i found the rest of there tools stashed away....So iam assuming they'll be back this year..... This is a concrete jungle... Theres very limited woods.... and people everywhere... You couldn't get lost out here if you wanted to... My spot is a ways away and completely fenced off except a 3 foot section. Witch is the entrance hole but I've been thinking about closing that off to... but with a 70 gal watering system i wont have to show up but every 4 weeks... to fill it and stabilize my solution....
Lol id leave a note saying "dude have some consideratiom for the rest of us ,take your shit with you" just to fuck with them
i thought about that but it would just freak them out and they would abandon everything.... besides iam not trying to be caught in someones grow, we could have a Situation...
You could look for openings in the woods on google maps. What state are you in where its very suburban?
you'd like that wouldn't you.. unless it was your grow that was getting ripped...... ill have my own stash going anyways... yea thats how i check out spots then go visit them.....iam in the middle of the city..
As in NY? Ha man I feel your pain, I had to drive miles away from the big apple to find a good location
here in the extreme rural south of republican Georgia with woods that resemble a jungle like forest it is not hard to find potential grow spots, the things you have to worry about here are snakes and 1 toothed simple minded rapists.
i only worry about the long arm of the law... I can handle rippers if i catch them..gonna get a big bottle of bear mase.. iam thinking of getting a few game cams.. so if i get ripped i know who to be on the look out for...
speaking of urban guerilla growing...check out a youtuber that uploaded videos about his urban : helgamite1 ...very interesting.
All reason's for removing grow tools noted above are valid. Its like camping - take out everything that you bring in. But there is -for me - one huge incentive to do so which I don't think has been touched on. It's called EVIDENCE. As in, all the grow debris you leave behind is just the finger-print covered stuff that LEO loves so that it can build it's case against you. Next to that, having another stoner tumble on your grow site should be the least of your concerns. Just my two cents...