hey, so heres the deal. a friend of mine is trying to start up a clothing company and ive got some ideas but im not artistic. so im looking for some people that can put my ideas on paper/computer etc.. anyone that can be of assistance please pm me and i can give more details. thanks in advance
At the moment no. If I had the money to do so I would be more than happy to. This whole thing is still in the beginng stages so it's going to be a while until anything is actually produced. If a design gets used that's a different story. The artist would deffinetly be compensated and probably offered more for future designs. But like I said right now I kinda just want to see my ideas on paper and see some creative people make it their own
^ cool cool if you wanna pm me an idea ill give it a try (im only good at photoshop though i cant draw for anything haha)