Looking for new bubbler!

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by 402Dank, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Im looking for a new bubbler for under $100. I know thats pretty cheap but im a little short on cash. I like more of the scientific bubbler look with percs but i know its hard to find those cheap. Any Suggestions?
  2. It's gonna be hard to get a good scientific bubbler for $100, but I'm sure there's something around that would be satisfactory. My best advice is to check out your best LHS, sometimes you can get deals in person you would never see online (plus no shipping or anything)
  3. grav labs is the only one man. the big showerhead one is like 75
  4. Ya ill have to check out my LHS and is the grav labs on GC or their website? Thanks for the help blades

  5. nope just google it man

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