Traveling in search of god. [ame=]YouTube - Looking for GOD[/ame] Let me know what you guys think!
Pretty good shit, is that you? I feel the same way... there's been times when I see/feel "God", the Source, what ever you may call it, and then I normally feel/see it for a while. But then it goes away, then I'll see/feel it again later down the road. For the most part, it's been when I'm traveling, not far, just driving in my car, walking in the woods, etc.. Or delving deep inside of my self, Deep self thought, Meditation, dreams, star gazing/cloud gazing, watching nature. For example not too long ago, I prayed to just be at peace with my current situation. The next day I woke up feeling very good, I went to talk to a counselor at school, I felt even better, I was permanetly smiling, grinning, almost laughing because of how good I felt, kind of like when I hit deep meditation. When I left school, and was on the bridge I cross, I saw a beautiful rays of lights, and monumental clouds, Like Mountainous Clouds looking like the depiction of Heaven and it's as if "it" was speaking to me, and I felt more of this great sensation/feeling inside my self, that you cannot articulate. They were just SO beautiful, more beautiful than Clouds have ever been to me. The clouds were, in away, articulating how I felt. I always seem to feel "God," when I'm bettering my self, doing vast change, breaking out of my comfort zone, listening to my Inner Voice. The day after I stopped smoking Pot, I saw God in almost everything, whether it's a book I'm reading or a tree I'm looking at, the snow I step on, etc. It's like there are signs thrown at you like Hey buddy this is "God" speaking to you, are you listening? Then it's presence kind of slips away after say, two weeks. Which always confuses me... People always say when you find God you are at peace, etc... But I'm always at Peace when I feel I'm feeling the Presence of "God" but then it goes away, and I feel like my same usual Self, and makes me question if it was truly something there or if I was just looking too deep into it... But then again, what I feel, doesn't feel like me, feels like something else. Something you cannot comprehend/unfathomable. I don't know sometimes I feel this web of energy that connects all, I get like moments/glimpses of it every once in a while. When I go to sleep I connect to it, and learn from it, when I meditate I connect to it and Learn from it. Edit: I like his shirt
That's sick man. I especially liked when you said " I prayed to just be at peace with my current situation." It's really those brief glimpses that are enough to set the rest of you realizing a lot of other things about yourself in motion. Those brief moments of bliss are worth the world to me, and it's because of them that I'm letting go of more and more each day, and being afraid of less.
I too have my moments of "remembering" and "forgetting" as I like to call them. The more I "remember" the less I "forget", and every time it comes back the "rememberance" is far more powerful than before. I have a feeling that it takes a very long time to stop forgetting at all though. That's what the peak of "enlightenment" is. It's when you stop forgetting. And all this is funny, because looking for god in our current human situation is like swimming through the ocean looking for water.
"looking for god in our current human situation is like swimming through the ocean looking for water" Wow, amazing way to put it man.
Forreal son, that: "And all this is funny, because looking for god in our current human situation is like swimming through the ocean looking for water" That's dope as fuck man, mad props if you wrote that your self.
Thanks It makes me smile when I see how similar the experiences of those of us who our on this "path" are. Reading that first post you made was like reading a journal of my own experience. And Kamasutra, thank you as well. I loved the video