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Looking for exotic stuff!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by simmer, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Hey so I got my paycheck today and even though it's a measely 94 dollars.
    (I'm starting school so I only worked on a saturday and a little friday)

    Regardless, I want to buy something for myself. if it has to be regular mid then hey, I'm not complaining.

    But I want something exotic.

    Thinking of white widdow?
    What do you guys suggest??:)
  2. What are your options?
  3. I say find a 1/4 of mids or better
  4. WW is great stuff, you wont be dissopointed with it. Getting a quarter of mids is a better deal, but if you looking for some thing "exotic" than do some research on known strains and buy something reputable. Dont go and buy some bubblegum jack and let a dealer talk you into thinking its fire when its just some reg nug he named to sell more of it

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