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Looking for discussion about edibles

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by MisEnPlace, Jan 28, 2024.

  1. I am probably gonna make chocolate and I have been using distillate but about to use all I can obtain… so I put some pretty good Biscotti into a bunch of cocoa butter and vacuum packed and kept it in 140F water for a few days… recovered most of the butter and made chocolates…typically a 12 g chunk is a dose so I cut a 12g piece off the big block ( not processed into bars yet) and it’s pretty freaking potent…my question is “Am I having fun yet?”
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  2. I think you've been having fun for awhile if you've been cooking with distillate.Glad to hear your chocolate is plenty potent!

  3. First time playing with that stuff, unfortunately I can’t get any more as my supplier lost his supplier who probably lost his…thus I am soaking weed in cocoa butter… I got two people with cancers and a friend with cerebral palsy and they love the stuff…I let them have it at cost as my penance for having been working a few decades for big pharmaceuticals…
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  4. Sounds like your flower soak did the job if you have some potent chocolate.

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