Looking for clones in western mass

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Here2grow413, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. Please help I don’t have the time I use to I need a solid couple clones to keep in the rotation. Sick of autos and no time for beans. Looking for high yielding fast flowering strains. Flavorful and colorful if possible.
  2. You're not going to find them here.
  3. i always advise never buy clones for many reasons . Why not just pop some seeds ? There 10 bucks each today north atlantic seedbank . It the best bank currently . May change in a few weeks .
  4. op said he has no time for seeds
    you can find clones for sale on net and they mail them to you. If you have more money thn time, tht is one way to get clones. marijuanaclonesonline comes to mind.
    let us know how it went if you use their service.
  5. No time. save a week half or two. He is in the wrong business if he has zero time to grow. He will pull so early week 5 or so to save time lol. He should not be a grower but a seller . Find a farmer buy wholesale
  6. Not at all I’m not a rookie Jesus Christ internet people are ridiculous. I just want to save time have one strain and not worry about popping beans. Fast and furious has no idea who he’s talking to. Go troll some where else
  7. Saves over a month. Btw rookie
  8. The cost of clones by mail is $$. If possible, how about popping a few seeds and pheno hunt. Clone that and keep the mother. I would do this but I just dont have the room to do so.
    my go to would be OG Kush or Gorilla Glue 4 for fast high yielders.

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