Hello fellow humans! I'm going to Toronto for the weekend from NYC and I'm trying to figure out how the heck I can get bud as an American. Any ideas? I've done my fair share of research but have gotten a lot of mixed answers. Can Americans go into the disepenseries? Any help or advice would be much appreciated! Thanks
Don't hate on me for this. But I think in Toronto they only sell as medical use. So you will need a medical card I guess? I'm probably wrong.
Lmao im always in toronto. It is very easy to find marijuanna anywhere. Literally i can tell you intersections. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
Even if you don't have a med card / aren't from Canada? Any recs for dispensaries if I'm staying in the entertainment district? Thank you!!
Isn't that where Hotbox Cafe is/was? I remember going there back in 2004 not too long after they opened...it was big news, they were openly allowing cafe patrons to smoke. It was a fun time, but I'd found my herb in Stratford
I haven't been to the Hotbox but I was thinking just somewhere in the market. Maybe hit up the Bunchofuckingoofs if they're still around, lol.
You are stupid to post on a forum for it. Dude, go to your local pipe shop, you are in a big city. Wait for a cool person to walk out, ask them where to get it. Online? Are you stupid? It is not hard to find connects in a smart way.