looking for advice..

Discussion in 'General' started by smokeRises, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. alright so i really don't smoke that often, but my mom doesn't know. she knows i have smoked; my second time smoking i came home and told her, stupid i know but i was obviously not thinking clearly (very high and thought it would be obvious so i just decided to tell her). she didn't care that much at the time but idk how she'd feel about me still smoking occasionally.

    anyway, she has chron's disease, take lots of medication and has had surgeries etc. and i know that she could potentially benefit from marijuana (although there's no medical mj in our state). if she ever found any weed related stuff of mine, i planned to show her the union and actually try and convince her to try it again (i know her and my dad used to burn their faces off).

    but recently i've been thinking i might want to voluntarily introduce the idea to her (show her the union especially). apparently my sister has actually talked to her about it before but i was still at the house (i'm at college now and 18).

    i probabably wouldn't do it anytime soon.. idk i was just trying to get some ideas/input/advice on how to approach the situation from some fellow blades. thoughts? thanks much
  2. Give her the best info you can find, and let her make her own choices. An educated decision is better than a recommendation hands down.
  3. yeah just tell her :) it can only help her out, get heaps of information so she can be reassured. x

    haha what did you actually say to her "mum...im realllyyyy high..."

  4. something close to that haha, it was my first time being like really high and i obviously didn't know how to handle/control myself. i'm sure i'd be able to put in the eye drops and handle it no problem now hahah.
  5. nice! i almost got caught like that, i was so stoned, and i came home mum goes "..why do you look out of it..your eyes are red!?"
    "im not out of it! im here! im together..ive been tired!"

    she believed it lol.

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