***looking for advice on curing want peoples opinions on the two methods ive narrowed down to***

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by superchill0605, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. I want some opinions on these two methods of curing. Ive been torn. Mind you i harvest about 1 to 3 lbs at a time

    First one
    Cut plants down only trim fan leaves then let hang dry in room about 70degres and 60% humidity until dry (about 10 days) then trim and jar for 2 weeks with burps and humidipacs.

    2nd way
    Go ahead and wet trim all buds place on screens, air dry for 1 to 2 days then place in a large trashbag tied up and let it sweat overnight. Then place back on rack for a day then back in the bag one more time for a sweat overnight then back in the screen till dry. 6 to 8 day process.

    I really need pros on this one.
  2. So what's the new curing method?
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  3. Is that title better?
  4. Actually yes - it's not misleading. If you plan on harvesting pounds like you say - then you obviously are an experienced grower. What drying method have you used in the past?
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  5. Im on my 4th grow. Ive gotten down yield thanks to bloombastic and co2 but still havent quite gotten down quality and so i know its my dry n cure process.
    In the past ive dine neither of the 2 methods i listed. I normally cut off branches, do a wet trim and then hang on a string in a room with the lights off and a fan circulating air. My problem is i think i dried them to quick and did not keep tabs on temp and humidity. And there is a lot of sunlight leek into the room from the windows.
    In conclusion yall im just looking for a way to make really sticky, smell good, quality buds

    Ps. My strains are amnesia lemon and purple ayuascha
  6. I've only done it one way and it always works. I trim wet and hang in a closet until the outside of the bud feels dry - usually about 4 days. I then jar them up and check on them almost hourly at this stage until they become re-hydrated. I take them out of the jars and spread them out until they feel dry again, then I jar them again and repeat the process until they still feel dry after being in the jars for 24 hrs. or so. I then add a small hygrometer in the jar to check humidity - if it's over 70 I spread them out again - if it's under 70 I open the jars several times a day to allow fresh oxygen in the jar. I do this until it stabilizes around 64 - then I open them about once a week for a month - then I seal for long term storage.
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  7. Wow that's kind loud tedious process. How long does out take for the bud to get smoke ready

    Check out my first grow log:

    First ever grow: How do the girls look?
  8. I start smoking it when it's dry enough to burn but it takes a good month in the jars to reach it's potential. How do you dry and cure your bud?
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  9. The only thing I could add is that after the initial jarring, Boveda 62's keep my humidity at the just the right%..Nevada is very dry and I can recharge the Bovidas forever..LOL
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  10. Wet trim. Dry on drying racks in my spare bathroom with exhaust fan on. Temp stays around 70 and humidity around 50. Usually 3-4 days in the spare bathroom then jar them. This last time I cured in an ice chest for a few days till the humidity stayed around 62-66 then into mason jars with 62% humidity packs. Now I'll burp them when I remember to lol.
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  11. Haven't had a harvest to dry yet

    Check out my first grow log:

    First ever grow: How do the girls look?
  12. Rough wet trim, hang the whole plant in the coldest area with good air circulation. I like mid 60s, they dry too fast otherwise. After 2 days I cut them up and hang large branches for 2 more days. If the outside of the buds are dry I cut them off and put in a large cardboard tray for another day or 2. Then I start the jarring process which is burp daily and check texture and smell. If it feels damp I leave it overnight on the tray again. Nothing leaves the jars for at least a week. I decide by the smell if it is cured enough. It usually takes a good 3 weeks but I keep burping so I can keep an eye on it.
    I've never used the Bovida 62% packs but I have some now and will use them on the next cure because we are having such a humid summer.

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  13. And of course they get another trim when they come off the branches.

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  14. Wet trim everything. Hang on a string upside down. if i am running out of space, i use my mesh drying rack. When they feel dry to the touch (4days - 1 week) i put it in jars. Every day for the next month i am checking for moisture. If too wet, i spread the buds out on newspaper for a few hours then put it back in the jars. Usually after a week or two they are ok to smoke, but i wait at least a month before letting others smoke it. After 6 months my bud is spectacular. but do i wait that long to have at it? Nope!

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  15. Wet trimming became a problem last grow, because our RH is sooo low in Nevada..Ran out of humidifiers and had to move stuff around..Found a nice lil humidifier on Amazon the other day for cheap (relatively) and ordered one
    Realize most have the opposite problem though;)

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