looking for a one hitter

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by RandomName420, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. i'm looking for a good one hitter for snowboarding. i want something that's easily concealed. i normally use a vaporizer. i found a one hitter vape. but it's all glass. if i can find a more durable one, that would be ideal. if not, any good one hitter will do. thanks.
  2. get one of those tiny metal pipes that have the screw on top
  3. Buy a hitter box.

  4. Dude in your case, smoking a jay on the lift would be best. You can toss it if need be. If you don't want a paraphernalia charge then I suggest going this route.
  5. [​IMG]
    get a dugout.

    Thats a metal 1 hitter disguised as a cig.

    The other compartment is for your ground herb.

  6. a friend had one of these a while back. was thinking about it. anyone know a good quality one? or are they all the same? i'll probably buy online.
  7. Yes get a dugout, ever since i got mine its been so much easier to smoke on the go.
    The only problem is if you have a high tolerance your gonna have to reload the bowl like 5 times to get high. But its so easy to reload it's not a big deal.

    Most head shops have them. The one i got mine from had a full size and a mini. I got the full size for 18 bucks.
  8. I have created the best 1 hitter box it is like no other! check it out at the 1eboxstore.com :wave:

    Attached Files:

  9. just a suggestion, a friend of mine goes snowboarding just about every weekend during the season, and i know he takes a magic flight launch box with him..

    he just keeps the rubber band on it, then hits in when he can, seems to work for him.

    goodluck with whatever u decide to do though!

  10. $100 is a little steep for a one hitter. but that does look pretty cool.
  11. go to a shop and drop 10-15 bucks on a chillum.
  12. That is genius. I like!
  13. its not a 1 hitter, its a portable vaporizer that essentially halves your weed intake because of its efficiency.

    and it works really good

  14. This.

    Plus its extremely durable.
  15. i use da buddha at home. my weed goes at least 4 times as far as my bong.

    this might be a winner. i'm a big fan of vapes. and i need something durable for when i fall on my ass.
  16. Look online for a Magnetic Poker Box, its a dugout that has magnets that keep the top closed, and also a metal poker in the bottom for if the one hitter gets clogged. I believe they have them on edit
  17. im surprised no one has suggested a glass chillum. its concealable in ur pocket and perfect size for goin up the mtn;) i snowboard and love my chillum when i go up. its also absorbs the cold air so its a chilly hit. plus, i got one to fit perfectly in my elbow pocket. oh, n dont worry about it breakin while u board. ive been boarding for 6 yrs n have yet 2 break one in the snow...even after crashing.:D

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