Looking for a new vape

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by mongoloid, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. dude get the magic flight launch box you wont be dissapointed only 100 i got mine at a local headshop for 106
  2. Vapor Genie is pretty cool =D

    Hand held pipe.
    $80 bucks. Get yeh fuckerd
  3. meh had a vopor genie the mflb dose a better job
  4. #6 zehn, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Da Buddha


    EDIT: Only get the Easy Vape if you want to watch the shitty plastic body melt as you use it, or want no control over the temp.
  5. Da buddha or extreme q

    Unless your looking for portability then i'd definitely suggest the magic flight launch box
  6. #8 lwien, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    The Easy vape is NOT a decent vape. Not by a long shot.

    For your price range, you have quite a few options depending upon what you are looking for in a vape.

    Personal portable.......LaunchBox or Lotus

    Party portable...........Iolite

    Home vapes that are SUPER efficient: Purple Days and Myrtlezap

    Home vapes that provide super thick back to back hits: Da Buddha and VaporBros

    Home Party Vape......Extreme, HerbalAire

    ALL of the above vapes are excellent in what they do well but there is no one vape that does everything well.

    Hope that helps.

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