Basicly any thing but roor because imo over priced for the quality, toro's or any thing like that is fine, 7mm+ thick glass only, Glass on glass only, perc's if have, ice catcher only or let me know of any sites for high quality bongs.
US TUBES! good luck finding an online retailer, you need to hit up your local shops and see if they can order them. look em up and look at the beefy joints they have, made in USA and when they say 7mm, they mean every single inch of that bong is at least 7mm thick, even their beakers and joints. Ive grown a recent fancy to them and once i can find a retailer im definitely getting one/two. i know you said no Roors but another piece i like is the ZUMO BASTARD, its a super over sized piece with all the attachment pieces you need besides an ashcatcher if your into that. its only 4.2mm thick but it holds 1 liter of smoke volume, one of those heavy hitter pieces but I was suprised for being a Roor its only 400 bucks and comes with like 3 bowls, a reducer, and i think 2 downstems. id rather have the US TUBES over a zumo but i dont see too many people with zumos or any super over sized heavy hitting piece, and i like to have what others dont lol. either way good luck with the hunt, dont settle for anything, wait for the piece that really sticks out, the one you cant help but stare at. When im looking in shops i look at every piece several times, some times taking way too long to decide, but i always know when i look at my family of pieces that ill never wish i got something over what i actually got, dont let some of those shiesty bastards push you to buy something u dont want, even if it is a "good deal". anyways i gotta smoke, ramblin too much and all you wanted was some simple suggestions lol. peace
g-spot and weedstar are pieces of shit. i pm'd you a site that might have some stuff youd appreciate. EDIT: you dont accept pms
i tried finding higher end gong pieces online... all im able to ever find is EHLE, ROOR, and a few lesser known and chinese pieces. no SG, toro, lux, MGW, or any of the higher end glass... anyone know where to find em online?
RooR is crappy and overpriced? Just because newer stuff with more innovation comes out does not make another company inferior to it. Besides, there is no B/S/T on GC anyway.
i just picked up an HBG inline thats sick, i wasnt too sure at first because ive heard that HBGs old stuff is supposed to be alittle sub par. but this inline is definitely sick. no drag and is made very solid. I mean my buddies 13 into 8 tree toro is better, but it def competes and it was only $300. I got the 8 arm tree into inline. they make it with more or less perks ur choice. you should chk um out.
and this is supposed to mean what... EDIT: OP, an online retailer just started gettin US tubes, PM me for a link cuz im not tryin to blatantly break any rules, that is if your interested in them. peace
KIND makes some dank tubes. and for that cash you could have something custom blown so its exactly what you want... and they ship