And preferably one that doesn't get coated in suit easily. What do you guys think? How do I stop one from smelling so bad apart from cleaning it? It needs to be discrete so that when stored it doesn't smell if someone walks in the room and it's in a cupboard.
Your better off getting soemthing glass, they clean easier then plastic. Plastic gets smelly quite easily.. a few tokes outa acrlylic and it smells forever. Something about plastic that smells embed themselves on it and never come out. Go w/ a simple glass peice (no strange or exotict perks) something that says simple. I have a 14" acrylic that I hate since I got my G on G ZOB beaker bottom. so I speak from plastic experiences.
This post saddens me greatly. I just bought an acrylic and it hits great and I overall just love it but I hate the smell. There's really no way to stop the smell?
Sorry but true... acrylic sucks with the exception of durability thats the 1 thing you can't knock it for.
Yes I use an acrylic but i dont give a fuck about the smell. If smell is an issue, then buy glass and keep it clean. Good luck and have fun!
I agree just rinse after your done smoking outa glass and the smell is minute. Just don't leave water in it and the smell won't matter.
I was about to say, the thread title is an oxymoron, but to each their own. You can try to mask the smell a bit, maybe once you're done using it, rinse it out with a bit of mouthwash. Put some bounce dryer sheets, cedar blocks, glade plugin etc near your hiding spot. Put it in a plastic bag and hide it somewhere outside, find a huge ass air tight container and put the piece in that...of course it'll just marinate in it's own gross odors but other people won't smell it. I don't think using grunge off on plastic is recommended but you can try to just dump it in then back into the bottle right away, then rinse the piece out. Grunge off gets the smell off of glass almost immediately...then again, I never let stuff sit around dirty so the resin and crap doesn't build up. rez block is another idea, use it in the water so that resin doesn't stick.