looking for 3 questions

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by 1stTimeGuy, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Hi,
    I am a 1st time hydro grower. I have a few questions I could not find anywhere. Help would be greatly appreciated please ...

    I am growing purple kush,

    1. How much taller will my girls get once I switch them to flower 12/12 hr?

    2. My ppm was way to low when I started, got some plants with yellow fan leafs on bottom. I have raised the ppm to about 925 and they greened up except for the bottome leafs.
    Should I cut the yellow bottom leafs of that are not receiving more than 50% light?
    Is my ppm correct now about 925 and keep going up as I flower?
    How do I tell if ppm is to high? Some leafs have yellow tips, is that nutri. burn or still from not enough nutri earlier?

    3. Should I turn off my fan that cools my plants while the light is off or does it matter?
    I have them in a small closet that I have to open to blow the fan in cause of space. Its dark, but when i flower since i will be home to open and fan when light comes on, should i just close closet with no fan so its complete pitch black?

    Thanks for all the help guys ... Ive been searching in the growers bible and everywhere online for these 3 questions. I really appreciate it.
  2. 1 4-5' but ive never grown kush. but thats what id expect. just keep the lights at the right heigth so they dont stretch too much

    2 id cut em. energy used to repair bad leaves can be used to flower bigger and better buds. and ull want to go from ur 925 and slowly raise it up weekly until u reach 1500 at week 6 or 7. depending on how long it takes to flower. yellow tips could be from several things. hunt it down in the disease section here.

    3 i keep mine on at all times. the plants grow stronger and hold up the buds better and they say it keeps the bugs at bay. u need to figure out a way to hang the fan in ur closet. leavign the door open to vent loses valuable light and invites pests.

    good luck
  3. Thanks for all the help.

    4-5 inches right?

    So the tips are slowly getting green, do you think its still pest related?

    I plan on getting an indoor tent on my next run, this was just my 1st time so wanted to get a feel, but i understand what your saying.

    Thanks agian, this is a huge help.
  4. im saying 4-5' (feet) at the end when u harvest. if ur doin clones.... a 23 day clone going into flower will end up around 4-5' at the end.

    im not saying its pest related at all. i havent seen the leaves. im just saying theres a disease and pest section in grow forums section and id look in there to see if i could find the problem with my plants.

    happy growing:)
  5. Thanks again.

    Im growing indoor hydro, shouldnt the get to only around double the size they are when i stop veg ?

    Thanks, have a good one.

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