Looking At Bf/gf Phone Right Or Wrong?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by YoooJess, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. If you look at the phone of the person you are consistently seeing and spending the most time with and you find something questionable should you address it?? For example a dating app What's your opinion?

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  2. #2 Stormy Sea, Apr 16, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
    Well, I definitely wouldn't purposely go snooping in their phone.. that's kinda rude and doesn't make for a good relationship.

    But, if they asked me to do something for them on it or I was putting on music or something and a strange text or picture or something popped up, I might mention it so I could get some clarification so I'm not worrying.

    Probably wouldn't bring up an app though. Because I have stuff on my phone that I never ever ever use, and that's not proof of anything.
    If you can't trust the person you're dating when you don't even have any obvious evidence and you're so paranoid you're going around looking through their shit you probably shouldn't be with them though...
  3. How insecure are people these days? If you bring that up you make yourself look weak and you break a huge form of trust (which you've actually already broken by looking through her phone). My guess is this won't be the last time you look...and if you ever do find something bringing it up to her will just push her further away because of your snooping.

    Women like to flirt. Men like to flirt. It's going to happen. I go to a party with my girlfriend, she flirts with some guys I flirt with some cute girls and at the end of the night we go home and make passionate love to each other. Trust is extremely important for this to happen.

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  4. Don't spy on your SO.

    It makes you look like an insecure and controlling little bitch, that hit too many branches falling out of the crazy tree.
  5. #6 Casual Toker, Apr 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2014
    It's crazy how attached to our phones we are, they're such a big part of our lives. Kinda sad really...

    With that being said, snooping is bad. This situation is a little different, though, I mean the way I imagined it was you looking for some other app, and just finding the dating one while doing so. It's not like you were going through, her texts, and social media stuff right? Right?!?! :/

    If that's the case, and it's really bothering you then just bring it up, she'd probably do the same if she found a dating app on your phone.

    Edit: I completely missed that she isn't your GF. What I said doesn't really apply. You guys are dating... Different territory.
  6. The only justification I can think of for having a reason to go through a SO's phone, is if you have like a 99.9999999999999999999999999999% proveable certainty that they are cheating on you (like you saw them French Kissing someone, but are holding on to some desperate hope that there is a benign explanation)
  7. You should never, ever go through a spouses phone.

    Either you are insecure/control freak and need to get over it


    Should not be in a relationship with someone who actually gives you vibes that they're cheating on you.
  8. When my fiancé and I first started dating I dropped him off at work and he left his phone in my car. I went through it and didn't find shit. I immediately felt stupid and guilty for not trusting him but at the same time I'd been cheated on so much it was hard to trust him and I felt like it was a way to "see what's realllly going on" I probably checked it again a few weeks later while he was sleep but ultimately never came across him texting girls, pictures, emails nothin so after the 2nd snoop and I found nothing I felt even more stupid than the first time and then started asking myself why the fuck I kept going through his phone to possibly find something to ruin our amazing relationship.

    Now I have no need to go through his phone because I have faith he would never purposely do anything that would threaten our relationship. I answer his phone, & he answers mine. He asks me to check his new texts if his phone is closer to me than him when a message comes through. If I ever felt like he was possibly texting some other girl I would address it face to face and ask to see his phone right then and there instead of waiting to do it privately.

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  9. Wrong. I'm not letting a girl go through my phone, i don't want to go through hers.
    If you guys can't trust each other you shouldn't be hanging out period.
  10. Meh. Me and my girlfriend kind of have an open book policy on the phone thing. But we've never went through each others phone. Find you someone you can trust man
  11. If you want to go through someones phone, you should ask first.. If not it is an invasion of privacy, and can lead to big arguments.
  12. No! That's violating someone's privacy! You already spend nearly every moment in contact with them, why delve into their phones? It's different if the person gives you permission, but usually it's pretty unnecessary.

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