Sorry if the pics are huge lol. I dont know if they will be or not. Umm well first thing, my water is a little acidic but they havent minded it. They have looked pretty health up until last night. I bombed my house with Foggers for insects but they didnt say anything about removing plants. (just pets and cover fish tanks and what not) Im just trying to keep them alive until the weather is nice enough to transplant them outdoors. So any help will be GREAT! I tested all the Ph levels at my grow area outdoors and it all looks to be awesome, I am not going to have to try and mess with any Ph levels and im going to be using distilled water so I can get my nutes perfect so I think once I get them outside they will be ok but untill then what can I do?
It started happening before the foggers but it was the same day, I was thinking the foggers could have made it worse? And I only water them once every 2-3 days, unless they soil feels real dry and they are light to pick up.
Not sure about the ingredients, and spiders were the target. But the foggers are for just about any pests. Usually they will say remove plants if they could damage them but these ones didnt say anything about plants.