I live in Texas and i looked at the monn tonight and there is a giant ring around it. wondering if anyone else saw it some in some other area.
It's called a halo. I see them ocasionally. They are awesome. I've seen some that are right around it, and I've seen one that was like 25 degrees from the moon.
Refraction of ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. Apparently they are 22 degrees. I guess I was close with that 25 deg guess.
Actually it's very widely believed that the moon is an actual base/mothership because it should not naturally be in our orbit. The first astronauts have come out and said they say UFOs and were approached by beings which is why we've never been back. Mars is a fun one too.
Shit man, there's video proof of them saying these things lol. NASA Astronaut Says UFO's Are Real! 2009 Video Buzz Aldrin Flip-Flops With The Topic Of UFOs Video UFO Sts IN SPACE DURING JOHN GLENS 62 FLIGHT Video Alien Moon Base UFOs Video Check out videos from the disclosure project as well. Amazing stories and statements from high up people.
Those are pretty damn academic. They're professionals in their field. If you dismiss evidence like that, may as well check yourself into a hotel.
I love light from the moon. It always makes a really great night lighting source when it's out in full force. Since you can get shadows at night. So crisp and white.
Folklore has it that the ring around the moon means there is trouble to come. We were camping one time and saw a huge one and found out later that we had invaded Iraqi that next day. That was just one specific one that I remember sticking out to me.