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look at what i made sucessfully

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by smokintoke, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. lol, what is it?
  2. Chew spit?


    Hopefully it's a tincture. Or maybe an oil? About 12oz worth of whatever. Hopefully it results in a good time :smoke:
  3. Tincture? Thats a lot, how much weed did you use?
  4. get fucked up man
  5. Looks good brother :) Enjoy the trip. :hippie: :highasfuck:
  6. im about to go to a youth group pool party... i have to chauffeur my sister there and back so im burning my last bowl of train wreck throwin on some trunks and swimming.... i been working all week so its whatev.... but then its off to a party with my oil
  7. im definitely stoney man
  8. super jealous. shit looks amazing.
    id +rep you, but apparently i haven't shared enough love with other members...
    GC wont let me. haha

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