Look at what I did this morning!

Discussion in 'General' started by hippielama, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. what'd you guys do today? :)

    Attached Files:

  2. Is it legal to take pictures of that?
  3. ooo nice i hope it passes there im from nj i hope it will b legalized all of U.S:hello:
  4. I thought you were gonna post a picture of your shit. But i guess this is a cool way to spend you morning too.
  5. Nice, I just got our sample ballots on Saturday. Just gotta fill out the mail-in-ballot request and send those back.

  6. i think if i keep my name and address out its probly ok. if not (please someone tell me) then i'll delete it.

    i dont really see the difference of this and telling someone what you voted for?:confused_2:
  7. Nice. Make sure you get others to vote as well.
  8. Polls always have strict restrictions and I thought photos of the ballot were illegal. I could be wrong
  9. I thought this to.
  10. sickkkk. props to you!!! haha :D

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