Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by guerillaju, Jan 25, 2010.

    I hope someone knows ! GOD PLEASE !
    (the file name is chronic but I doubt this is chronic...)

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  2. #2 k status, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    ok.. 1st of all u usually can't tell a strain by just how it looks, there are many key things to even get chronic like this.
    1st is genetics, 2nd is ur plant lucky to have a pheno you want? such as different colors, rate of yield, etc.
    3rd don't grow unless you understand the risks and the patience.
  3. I think I remember that pic, it was some kinda blueberry.
  4. I think i know what it is (i could be wrong though)

    Since me and my friend are big fans of nirvana

    I would say its Raspberry cough.

    His end product looked ALMOST indentical to what im seeing..

    and the taste was excellent, you should check nirvana out.
  5. ^^Agreed, But....

    ^^Agreed here too.... Also kind of reminds me of a strain we found here:
    Buy Caramelicious marijuana seeds, order Caramelicious cannabis seeds
    My buddy grew it and when it was flowering it seriously looked fake but the end product looked very similar, and good smoke!!
  6. Photoshop is awesome!
  7. on that note has anyone ever added food coloring to the plant to see if the bud would change color? like a normal flower does when you add food coloring to the water?
  8. Yes, I've seen one grower claim to attempt this. He says he dyed the bud immediately after harvesting a branch from the plant, by placing the cut stem into a concentrated food coloring for 24 hours then dried as he normally does. He also claims that the smoke was horrible and tells everyone not to do this.

    Here is a photo of his resulting bud:


    (this cannot be done by adding any dyes to a living plant through the root zone, only after a cutting has been taken off the plant)
  9. I tried food coloring and even some smell essence on a just cut bud by placing it in the water...I actually saw no differences. And agreed photoshop is very cool...Anyone send me a pic and ill turn up the magenta and red to replace my blue and green in my CS3 photoshop and tweak a little things here and there, itll look just like that, takes me like ten minutes. Actually I think I have one I already did that looks a bit similar but not such a ridiculous red lol, I went for a little more "could be natural" look on my photoshop, but then of course I let people know its photoshopped and not some bullshit.
  10. its easy to spot photoshop by looking at things in detail...such as even parts of the leaves that werent trimmed are red...leaves have chlorophyl and sorry wont turn red like that haha. You can also see parts thats hues were on the red side and when he messed with it in photoshopped these areas ended up turning like a brown/green/blue. Such as that upper right part, that dark part. Photoshop mistake.
  11. It's clearly a shoop, but I don't think that bud was changed any. I just think the bud was placed on top of the pipe like that. I think the bud itself was never changed.

    As far as telling what it is... I can't say. But I can say, I would love to smoke it.
  12. It kind of reminds me of some pictures I saw of some Strawberry cough. Which is my #1 wanting to grow strain. But, I'm not at all positive. Can't really tell by looking at it.
  13. So, does anyone know 100% if that red bud is real or not? Cause if its real thats what Im gonna want to grow this time.:smoke:
  14. LOL it does kinda look like legal bud...but you can tell it grew like weed does, not wild lettuce. And yes its fake because you cant trun a leaf bright red...chlorophyl is green my dears.

  15. Yes it is. The shape was a dead give away but if you blow up the pic and Zion in on the bowl. There is no bud in the pipe so no way that bud stands up. Also. Those images u see in magazines,doesn't look that way in person. I can take a bud into my studio turn on the lights and my nikon and swagg will look like killer buds, especially if I use a filter

  16. sorry, but yes, leaves will take on different hues late in flowering. I have grown Romulan which turned a reddish purple kindof color and dried to be a reddish color. Cranberry is a phenotype strain which about 50% of the plants take on a ruby red color late in flowering. So it can happen.
  17. Yes I know this, I have grown cannabis I think once...lol I said red like this...its and unrealistic overly done red...don't you think if a bud looked like this it would be the fuckin bees knees, I mean I have never seen something like this at an cup or competion, nor any grow op and I have been to and seen a few, I never saw a published photo such as this or a seed bank advertising with a pic like this, and I know if a company had these godly genetics they would show it and many would be breeding with it. I used to edit for part of CC and I would think I would have seen a pic like that, or we would have published one. We got plenty of photoshopped ones poorly done like this. I know plants can give off hues of green, red, yellow, orange and brown but they are still natural hues, this is obviously shopped to increase the magenta and red hues....
  18. Can some people not see the plainly obvious shopped in and colored bud placed over a pipe on a bed? The bud doesn't even look like its in the same lighting as the pipe or bed, like it came from a brighter picture.

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