Hey folks, been lurking in the forums off and on for years, especially when I became a daily medicinal smoker in 2008 in Chicago. I moved to western NC, the asheville area, about a year ago. I've found a couple folks to smoke with, though mostly I prefer to medicate alone - in addition to helping with insomnia, depression, and pain, I love meditating and doing qi gong with my herb. this past year I've been pretty broke, just started up a new business and my goal for this year is to get more clients so I can properly medicate on a regular basis.....and maybe finally splurge on a beautiful glass piece from soulshinefamilyglass in Boone! I used to lust after their pieces when etsy allowed glass pipes, it seems fortuitous I moved to the area. I tend towards hybrids, I like stuff that stimulates creativity and relaxes me, sometimes heavier stuff at night for sleeping, strangely, sativas tend to knock me out and I love indicas during the day when going for a walk and being in my body. wonder if it's an anxiety/depression thing? sativas get my brain going so fast I lock into the couch and shut down to heavy depressive sleeping sometimes, while indicas relax my anxiety so I can be my happier self. anyone else experience this? I also love cooking and baking with it when I get a chance. oh, and I'm a psychonaut too, grew my own for awhile, big advocate of spiritual and psychological trips....but that's for another forum! T