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Long time smoker, sudden severe panic attacks

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 420sneak, Mar 14, 2019.

  1. #1 420sneak, Mar 14, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2019
    Hey all,

    First time on this forum and I'm reaching out as I'm at a loss for what's happening to me. I'm a long time toker both flower and cartridges but something happened to me and I suddenly started having wicked panic attacks (or I'm dying, eh) whenever I toke up.

    Short history that I'll itemize as it might be easier to spit it all out of my head.

    1) Been smoking for 10+ years nearly every night (mostly flower up until 2 years ago when I switched to 50% cartridge use). I got to the point where I would smoke multiple bong bowls to get some good sleep.

    2) This past December I bought some really crappy low quality catridges from a reputable dispensary and upon my first night I had the worst panic attack of my life, I literally thought I was dying and woke everybody up asking to help.
    - Extreme shivering
    - Profuse sweating
    - Tingling of all muscles
    - Random shooting heart pain
    - Couldn't breathe well
    - Nausea
    - Felt like I was having a heart attack or stroke
    - My heart rate (when readable which was 20% of the time) was between 102 and 105 bpm
    - The other 80% of the time my heart rate wasn't readable by my device, it showed fluctuations and it was so erratic it never caught a rhythm

    3) After about 45 minutes my dad who happened to be in town and staying at my house calmed me down by telling me to breathe deep and wait it out.

    4) After talking with him for about 10 minutes every symptom suddenly stopped and I was completely normal again. Literally stopped in the blink of an eye after almost shaking off of the side of the bed like I was having a seizure.

    5) I tried each of the 3 cartridges of that crap that I bought half a dozen times since to test things out and was able to reproduce it almost every time. Though much calmer after as I was focused and cognizant of the reactions so I can stay calm.

    6) The uniform reaction was I'd be feeling high and can, watching TV or reading the news, or playing a game then all of a sudden without warning is feel a giant jolt in my heart that would cause me to jump and all of a sudden all the previous symptoms would appear within a millisecond to the tee.

    7) After that horrible night I've tried dozens of different strains (indica, sativa, hybrid) both flower and cartridge and they ALL result in the same chaos.

    8) After researching I learned that those crappy cartridges we're thinned with coconut oil and artificial pot flavor added back because they were so processed...I learned that although coconut oil is healthy for the body inhaling it can cause identical symptoms to pneumonia and in some cases actually cause lipid pneumonia. The symptoms were so bad and repetitive I almost sent them to a lab to get tested as further research shows that the symptoms ate also common for that synthetic spice junk out there (never tried so o wouldn't know)

    I feel like I developed some type of heart disease but am thinking it's all anxiety from that stupid night.

    Anybody else experience anything like this where it suddenly stopped working and just causes chaos?

    Highly anxious (dying to get high again!!!!) to hear what y'all have to say...

  2. Hello my fellow smoker , I too am new on here today but your post caught my attention as I have suffered sum what the same things , don't worry your not dying ok , first off I'm a full time smoker now for 24 years sum what of a veteran if I mite say so lol , and in 2011 I experienced my 1st panic attack I don't no why it happened or how because I was honestly ordering food from KFC drive threw window , all ov a sudden I got pins and needles down my arms and back of my head I started to sweat like I was in grow room my breathing went all crazy I mean to the point were I was struggling to breath and because of that the attack got worse much worse and my heart was beating so fast I honestly thought it was going to explode , I got out my car and went sit on the curb for a few mins to cool down and control my breathing , I eventuality came out the attack but was in a bad way like shock to as what the fucks just happened to me I was scared I'm not going lie to as iv never experienced anything like this before, any way I let it go , as a 1 off episode but it did happen again another few times 1 really bad one , so off to the docs I went as this shits getting serious now , my doc nos all my history , smoking and what ever so I explained to him my problem, simply they just panic attacks can't explain why really so he gave me beta blockers to lower my heart rate as it beats like mad wen I have an attack 1 every day and propanol to sort the attacks out 2 every day , so any way I start the pills and a week later boosh another attack so now I'm thinking really this has got to be the weed man it's the only other thing left that I can do , I don't drink or do any other drugs what so ever , so its got be the weed , so for my health and to stop these stupid fucking attacks I QUIT the weed , 24 years in no break iv smoked for ever lol so I start my weed rattle the weeks go by then I have another 2 attacks in 3 months sleepless nights bad fuked up dreams it was horrible, I no just stopping the weed was bad as it caused my bad dreams and all other stuff, but I sort of know now it's not the weed as I'm still getting them so I get straight back on mother earth , the last attack I had was over 2 years ago now so that's good and I'm still smoking , my advice to you would be , see the doctors for pills like mine if the attacks still persist , when they happen you must and I emphasise must CONTROL your breathing and try not to think of the attack I no it's hard but just try think of any thing but that ok you control your breathing you control your heart rate as it needs to slow down , cool your self down fresh air , keep your self fed and watered ok food helps to prevent the attacks as stupid as it sounds but works for me , and most of all , mentally it will mess with your head until you learn to control them if you think about it to long you end up having one so its mentally as well ok , I no this is long but I wanted to fully explain my situation in detail so you get the picture of what I went threw ok , I really hope this helps because these attacks fucking suck , you need to talk or what ever just drop me a msg , be well and safe .
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  3. Sorry bro I forgot, get off the bongs man , they will fuck u up in the end and won't be doing ur attacks any good , I bonged for over 10 year but now I just pack and love a good old joint .
  4. Next Time this happens, chill in a hot shower. Sit down in the shower and relax. Helps me every single time. You can learn to control that shit thru breathing.
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  5. I am not a doctor and nothing I say should be taken as medical advice - disclaimer

    Take a 30-day break from weed. Take Activated Charcoal as directed on the bottle during those 30-days. Your THC-COOH levels are too high for your body to handle and lowering them will stop those pain attacks.

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