So again sorry you guys, I've been MIA for a while due to some crazy home issues, but I'm back! So your pre-warned. I have a lot stuff to post. Anyway the other day one of my friends called for a eighth of dank. I was all out so, I put in a call to so-called friend who just started the "hustle". I ask, do you have & if I can get the 8, he replies yes and it's purple urkle... He gets over and I'm expecting a 8th and he hands me a hand full separated dime bags. I'm like bro, I'll have to open those up and weight it out. At this point he begins to trip and say if I do that I'm getting to much... ( mind you, the shit major lite and fluffy, had to be all cfl ) I fucking laughed and had him look at the metric system. It was only 2.4 (the 6 dime bags) ! So again I stated, I asked for a 8th not 2.4 grams for 45 bucks. Plus all of his dime bags were random numbers .5 to .7. So then he begins to say he sales them at 15$ a bag no matter what the weight is and he's losing money if he sales to me. So I ask what did you start with... He replies a half from a dispensary @ 150$ and continues to say that, to him it doesn't matter about if it's right, as long as looks to be right. I'm like what ever I fucking asked for a 8th and you said yes. So we walk to his place where he empties more little fucking bags until he again flips out... "in bitch mode voice" screaming that's to much, but the scale says a lil over a gram! LoL He then says my scale is broken. I reply... Well I'll use mine and of couse it's still same! Anyway I get my shit and go home. My girl and her friend want to smoke, so I'm like he'll yea. After all that bull shit I'm stressed hell yea! .5 In grinder (Cali crusher) as her friend brakes down by hand. Then a second later she yells Ew a seed! Wow right! So I began to inspect it and looks awesome dark with strips! Looks viable... So now I have it soaking, awaiting for it to pop. I'll post pics later, and this for reading, sorry for ranting, but I had to get this off my chest.
haha nice story man. hope it turns out to be fem. sorta in the same boat but one of my friends who pushes some weight found a seed in some 'loud" (hate saying that word, but its what he says) have it in the indoor setup now. Indica dominate, and smells have in in 12/12 right now to check for female. then going to clone that bitch out if she is! happy growing mate.
Wow 12 hours later in ph adjusted spring water to 5.8- 6.0 ish, super thrive, at 70• degrees. I guess = popping seeds in 24 hours.