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Long Term Use Fog?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by drummerben04, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. #1 drummerben04, Feb 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2015
    I've tried it cannabis about 3 or 4 times. First time was really an experience. My question is do you heavy long time smokers out their feel stoned all the time? Is it hard to focus, feel like your brain is in a fog. I think you can definitely over do cannabis. Not die from over dosing but sometimes it's just too much. Everything in moderation I say. I read an article that said

    "When pot is smoked regularly, a large supply of THC accumulates in the fat. This produces a high steady level to THC in the blood, which causes continual sedation. The brain is numbed. The mind is in a fog...."

    I'm sure the potency of the strain will have more of a long term effect on you. What's your take on this?
  2. I don't feel all that foggy but I certainly find myself less interested in most activities. Cannabis has a way of making itself all you care about if you let it.
  3. #3 Southeast stoner, Feb 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2015
    After smoking nearly daily with monthly breaks for 7 years I don't have any fog or always stonded feeling, typically 12 hours after smoking I don't have any more noticeable effects. However I do find my self somewhat forgetful, not sure if that's because of the use over the years. Anyways cheers!

    -Appreciate what you got cause one day it can all be gone-
  4. I only smoke twice a week to keep tolerance down.  I am fat however and would always test positive even 45 days since I smoked.  The THC is definitely lodged in my fat  cells, but I don't feel any effects from that.  No fog, feel all right.
  5. i tend to feel slighly high/fogged for about a week after smoking. i recently had a 1 1/2 month break, and at the end, i felt like i could think clearly and i didn't feel as tired as i used to feel when i smoked. my short term memory returned to normal too. It felt pretty good :)
  6. Definitely. Every day smokers won't notice but I smoke on weekends and I feel that way sometimes, then if I don't smoke for a few days it goes away. With the fog over your brain you feel helpless for some reason
  7. When I was younger and only smoked occasionally I noticed some fogginess for the next day or two depending on how much I burned through. Now that I'm an everyday smoker I don't notice it at all. 
    My brother only ever tried cannabis once and it just happened to be  a tray of brownies. He had a really bad experience and basically just had one giant panic attack. He experienced panic attacks occasionally for the next few weeks due to what he had stored up in his fat. Same reasoning but with a more negative effect. 
  8. I smoke about twice a day, and when i take a month break or so it never feels as if a "fog" has lifted, presumably because there was no fog. I have really low body fat though so I doubt it has much to accumulate in. I also keep my sessions small, usually one or two hits from the bong

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