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Long term stock...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by DrGonzo, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. Hello everyone,

    I need to go abroad for at least a year. I was thinking about giving the remains of my crop away but could not find anyone near my place. I refuse to throw it away so I wonder wich way is best for a long time safe keeping: making hash, freeze it,...?

    Thank u guys
  2. Turning it into hash will only help you if your goal is to have a smaller quantity to store. For the best long term storage, vacuum seal it and stick it in the freezer. If you don't have access to any vacuum sealing machine, any air-tight container is a good substitute. It'll be worth smoking when you get back :)
  3. Process on the way, thanks.
    Next time I wil post under outdoor growing, where I'm going it's summer all year long baby! :cool:

    Thanks again mate.
  4. I agree 100% with Hashaman, seal it and freeze it. It'll be fine.

    I always freeze the last of whatever bud I have and add it to my "collection" for later "comparison", usually a film-container full.

    Hint: Modern freezers go through a "defrost cycle" occasionally, where they warm up just enough to melt whatever ice is formed on the sides. That's what causes freezer burn, where the inside of the container is covered in ice crystals and the food is dried out. The food melts a little, a little water evaporates, and refreezes on other surfaces.

    Because of this, it's best to put it in the bottom of the freezer and "bury" it so it never warms up with the defrost cycle.

    I have year-old weed in my freezer that looks fresh as a daisy (none older than a year though), and it smokes the same as it always did.

    Hopefully no one goes rooting around for Hot Pockets while you're gone, yes?

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