Anyone else enjoy long car rides? I'm heading back to school tomorrow and it's a 8-9 hour drive and I'm actually looking forward to it. I'll be bringing back some of the good stuff and a friend so what's not to like? And plus the reward bong hit when you get to your destination after sitting for that long is amazing. To all those who are making a long car ride soon!
They are hit or miss, but when I moved up to Albany with my dad we hit up some dank in the uhaul the whole way up. A good buzz always makes the drive a bit more pleasant.
I thought this was gonna be a post about going for L rides for like an hour. Theres nothing i enjoy more than putting my favorite tunes on, sparking up a blunt, and just crusin...
This. Long car rides are fun with friends. Me and 3 other buddies took a roadtrip 3 months ago from here in Oregon out to Montana, then down to Colorado and back to Oregon again. Some days we drove for 16-18 hours non-stop. Good times!
Ahh; Roadtrips. I too love them. Especially when I'm with a buncha friends. It's just so chill. Nothing beats it and some tunes imo.
ooooh yaaaa. Sometimes when my friends and i smoke, we just cruise around just north of the the Wisconsin border for hours. We get so fucking lost and its fun to try to find our way back home.
ahhh i love long drives. especially with good company and some good buds. enjoy! and have a good time back at school
Glad to hear others enjoy driving as well. When I tell people I enjoy the long ride to school they look at me like I'm crazy. I will be making the long trek back in a few hours. Should be sleeping now, but on grasscity instead...
I drove like an hour today coming back from skiing. It sucked. That was at like 7pm Saturday, and I had been awake since 6pm Friday. So I was really tired and crashing a bit. Music blasting, windows rolled down, and me shaking my head and slapping myself... ahaha. I passed out like 5 minutes after I got home. Although, normally I like to drive. In a year or two, I'm going to take a road trip out west (I live on the east coast) and hit up some sweet ski resorts. But that'll all be by road, so I'm pretty stoked. Probably gonna put a bed in my car so I don't have to pay for a lot of hotels or shit.
i love them with a few good friends good music and some herb. But i have also gone on some 6 hour rides down to LA that were cramped as hell and i didnt enjoy them as much because i dont really like being crammed that close with everyone with no room for my legs and stuff. I feel caulstriphobic or something. Also they were hella anti weed so i felt awkward when i was just chillin in the back smokin a bowl. So many dirty looks haha
I dont really go FAR..but i drive around all day. I got business to handle and friends who dont have does but im "the driver" cuz i have been for im the only one with the 4 door car.. and then during the night i drive for im just rolliiiiiin all day, and not in the good way