
Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Hollenfeuer, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. Does anyone here know what it truly means? Not the whiny little bitchy emo loneliness, I mean soul crushing manic depressive loneliness. It's getting to the point where even the ganja doesn't help. counselors and psychiatrists are fucking useless. If anyone could offer some suggestions it would be much obliged.
  2. i have felt that way for a really long time... the only thing i can suggest to you is to take something called st. johns wort.. if you take it reguarlary you will feel better about this "loneliness" you will feel life is full of everything... it changes the way you perceive loneliness.. also there is a change in diet.. if you start eating foods that are not processed it could help.. when i started my diet i felt like crap.. now that i'm nearing my goal i feel like i'm the most powerful human being on the planet.. all on the inside and all i had to do is adjust my eating habits/take st. johns wort.. you can buy it anywhere it's overthecounter...
  3. #3 ryeguy, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2009
    Well, I get lonely on occasion, but I'm not a person that easily gets depressed. I find ways to occupy my time. If it gets to be something that bothers me, loneliness I mean, I'll go meet people. After high school, for instance, I stayed in the pacific northwest for college while my friends spread out across the map. After college, I started to get lonely, so I found a crew of longboarders to ride with. I hit the street with em' once a week most every week, sometimes more. It was a great way to expand my group of friends.

    So, find something that you like to do. Find others that do it. Craigslist is an amazing resource for this. Find a running partner or three. Maybe some people to get together and play video games with. Whatever you're into.

    I really can't help you with the depression. I'm notoriously (among people I know) bad at empathizing with depression since I've been lucky enough to never succumb to it. I dated a girl that was a depressed person at times, and it was difficult for me to understand it, but I did learn one thing from her plight: medication doesn't usually help. At least, that's my opinion. I watched her bounce from paxil to... I don't remember, but each time, she went through withdrawal and changed quite a bit. I... wasn't a fan of it.

    The best thing that I can suggest to be true to yourself. I don't mean that in the way that you usually hear it. I mean that the easiest person in the world to lie to, is yourself. Learn to not do it. Don't make excuses for not meeting people. Got rebuked by some people you wanted to hang with? Try again. It's not like you lost anything for the attempt, right?

    A hint for if you start seeking friends. Don't complain about your depression or become self pitying. I'm sorry if this is brutally honest, but I CANNOT STAND it when a person that I would normally have no problem chilling with bitches about being depressed or becomes self pitying. I've stopped hanging out with people for exactly that reason. Don't bring down the crowd. I'm not saying that you have to hide it, no way, but don't dwell on it. The dude who I'm speaking of always told me "nobody listens to me," when I forgot something that he had said previously. It was... more annoying than I can tell you. Self pity. Bleh.

    Get out there and find some people to hang with. It's easier if you live in a city or near a city. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to try to help ya with em'.

    OH! I forgot the most effective method of combating depression: exercise. I love a good workout session. Lifting weights, pushups, all that good stuff. A couple of months back, I gave myself a goal; I wanted to be able to do a one handed pushup. So, I worked at it and found out the ways that I could work my way into it. Now, I can pull off at least ten with each arm. I was absolutely ecstatic with my achievement and rode a wonderful natural high for at least a month after. My next goal? Handstand pushup! Running is great too, I'm starting a program called "Couch to 5K" on Monday. I hear, actually, that running is even better for your mood because of the endorphins released.

    Seriously, go run or lift weights.
  4. I can totally relate. I have suffered from clinical depression for two decades. Off & on Rx's for most of that time. In fact, that is what brought me to the herb recently (I'm a new toker). I have gotten so depressed, anxious and lonely, even though I am on meds and have friends to hang with, that I finally told a close friend I was at my wit's end and needed something to at least help me relax and maybe feel like things aren't hopeless (because they're not. I have a pretty nice life, actually).
    She gave my my first smoke and it really helped. I slept better that night than ever before. So I'm kinda bummed to hear it's not working for your depression because that is what I want to use it for.
  5. It might be a stupid suggestion but do you have any hobbies? Taking up a sport or hobby that you're really into with cool people can really give your life meaning and help reduce those feelings. I moved recently and I felt lonley for a while, until I realised all I had to do was get out there and change it for myself.
  6. you need more then a hobby high...

    you need to fundamentally examine the root of your problems, and deal with them...

    you may need some pyschadelic help (i would recommend it)

    it started young, and some of the things you hold to be true will have to be discarded... open mind, open heart, open eyes

  7. Bingo. Or we could just have an AIM conversation. :)

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