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London England Dank

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Buzzinn, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. A small nug of some dank hazey super silver bubble
    was a strong tasting bud with a nice high

    Next is some DANKKK Amnesia Haze

  2. Amazing. Way to rep for the UK.
  3. We're slowly recovering after the 9/11 crash. So much more dank around now, can't remember the last time i had 'not good' weed. Picking up 15g's of widow for £90 when me gots $$$. :smoke:
  4. nice pickup man, enjoy that:smoking:
  5. That looks dank.
  6. Looks Dank For sure. Alot of Indicas rolling thru there huh? guess its a popular strain over there..Enjoi:smoke:

  7. I've had shit loads of Sativa recently. Pretty much every pick up.. In loce with the Green Crack (Sativa) ATM so i really only have myself to blame.. :wave:

  8. OMG Green Crack makes me nonfunctional, haaha. Have fun w/ it!:wave:

  9. I know ahaa, smoked a phat J maybe 15mins before my class yesterday. Big mistake. ahaa. :smoke:
  10. Nice I love how it has all kinds of different color tones. dark green, light green, red, delicious
  11. yeh we get all sorts over here in the UK, its been hard trying to find dank but well worth the search,
    later ill post pics up of the cheese im picking up :smoke:
  12. well here is what i havent smoked of the cheese i picked up, nice earthy taste and a potent smelling bud.

    soz bout the pics guys, im not really sure how to get the best out of my camera and the lighting etc but oh well :smoke::smoke:
  13. dammmnnn bro amnesia haze is the dankkeesssttt! haha. gotta love the good herb.
  14. i agree mate, a favourite of mine
  15. Good work mate, always good to see Londoners smoking fine draws
  16. where are all the UK smokers at??
  17. just got some bang bang amnesia haze, slightly different to the last one, pics will be posted tomoro coz im toooo highhhhhhhhhhhhh:smoke::smoke:

  18. You know it's good when your too baked to upload. :hello:
    Looking forward to them though. Anything with Haze in the name has a tendency to fuck me right up. :smoke:

    Fuck this though, been dry since Friday lunch because a deal fell through with the A-team and now i had to turn my phone off because i told people i would have the Grapefruit by saturday. Eeeeek.

    I have a 2 week old blunt roach and its starting to smell like fish. Fuck. Health<Getting high.

    *stumbles to find bong*


    Edit: wow, i swear a lot when i'm dry.

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