Funny shit happens on monday nights at 11 30 pm in San Jose.. So i went downtown the light rail(3 min away), and got off at 2nd n santa clara(stop downtown). As i got off i saw one of my friends, lets call him J. So me and J start talking and start walking toward first street, he has a blunt n so we smoke it as we walk. He then says that he needs to go to the southside to pick up some bud. So we hop on the lightrail heading toward the southside and we see these 2 girls on there talking, one is black(J. went to middle school with this girl and they started talking when we got on) and ones a fat mexican bitch(not discriminating just stating that shes a fat mexican, and just for the record, well call her FMB) theyre talking nd everythings cool and then i guess the FMB dropped some money and thought the black chick picked it up, so shes like "what the hell gimme my money" and then the black chick blows up and gets like an inch from FMBs face and is like "HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF TAKING YOUR MONEY, your a broke bitch and i dont need your ghetto ass money," and the FMB says "i know you took my money gimme my fuckin money" and the black chick says "if you think i took your money then try to get it out of me." So then the light rail pulls up to blossom hill light rail station The black chick was looking in the other direction rambling on about how "THIS BITCH IS FUCKING CRAZY" and the FMB gets up from her seat grabs the black chicks purse and starts heading for the door, i yell "SHES GOT YOUR PURSE" and the black chick says "BITCH YOU FUCKED UP" and ran out to the door and started beating the shit outta the FMB then pulls her shirt and some money falls out and the black chick picks it up and starts yelling at the FMBl and tries to drag her inside the light rail cause she(FMB)was trying to get away at that point. FMB ends up getting away at blossom hill light rail station, black chick gets back on the light rail(whole incident happened AT the light rail station cause people went to the doors nd held them open to watch), and we head to the next station. So were talking to the black chick and shes like "hey J you got any bud on you?" and hes like yeah i got a little bit, and he starts to pull it out and then im like "hey wanna just throw 5 on this blunt we already have rolled?" so she says yeah ok, so we get off at the next stop, and were about to walk up the stairs and J is like "hey your hot right now, we cant be around you" so the black chick says "alright is it cool if i just take half the blunt for 5?"(it was good on her part cause the blunt had bout 1g of purple princess straight from the club) and j agrees to that. So we walk up the stairs and across the overpass and meet up with one of Js friends, we match a blunt with him and smoke the other half of the purp and then we see a cop roll up, he drives by us staring us down and then stops like 10 feet in front of us and shines his spotlight thing around him in front of him, and then he drives backand parks nd just chills for a bit, then we see 2 other cop cars roll up and we heard a dog barking so were like fuck this shit they got the dogs out we gotta dip. Right before we dip we see like 5 cops running down the light rail station flashlights in hand after the girl. So we dip into some cuts in the southside then meet up with these 2 dudes, one that just got out of santa rita jail and another who was from where i used to live(seven trees, area of S san jose)) So i start talking to the dude from 7 trees asking who he knows over there n shit The dude that just got out of jail is like "hey did u guys see anyone wearing a yellow shirt?" and i look at J with an OH SHIT look(the black chick was wearing a yellow shirt)and i say "no not that i can remember, howcome?" and he says "i dont know, a cop flipped a bitch at that light earlier and asked us if we had seen anyone with a yellow shirt and black pants" and i was like "ohhh dammmn thats fucking crazy" and the dude says "what?" and i just say "ohh nothing thats just crazy that they pulled over and asked you."(playing it off as though i didnt know anything) So then later we walk back to the light rail station to catch it back downtown, as were walking we see at least 6 cop cars parked at the light rail station and the chick is handcuffed sitting on the back of the car. And that was the most exciting thing that happened in my life on sept 27th 2010
The FMB tried to steal the black woman's purse, how did said black woman end up in cuffs? Theres still a FMB on the loose
thats funny as fuck. one time i was on the bus and this kid i know was sitting behind a girl and he kept talking shit to her saying shes a prego bitch and has clamitia and she turned around and punched him in the face 3 times. pretty hilarious
lmao man. That shit would be somethin to see. I went downtown too yesterday, but in chicago. These two black guys stopped me and my friends while we were walkin and say their gona freestyle for us and we could toss them some money if we liked it. So they start goin and they're garbage. Sayin shit like "your girl shit her panties, pull the thong up." and "you dont wana play with this. I stick the stainless in your anus." and some other fuckin weird shit. I didnt give em no money but my other guy gave him like $1.30 for makin us all laugh.
WHAAA i just saw that ur from san jo, and that it was santa clara! dude i went to school in mountain view, and i was in san jo every day after school
it wasnt the city of santa clara, we were at the santa clara light rail station in downtown san jose, the alameda turns into santa clara then santa clara goes thru downtown and then towards the east side turns into alum rock ave.
i think the driver reported it cause he just chilled at the next light rail station for hella long and then thats when we saw all the 5-0 roll up and then the black chick got chased down and handcuffed
LOL!! Chicago public transit is crazy like that too. I was riding the Red-line from downtown to the Northside and this guy gets on and starts doing spoken word. Mind you it's at like 8am and people are tired heading to work and don't feel like hearing his shit. So after he goes on for about two stops, this really tall hispanic guy with a football players build stands up and is like "If you don't shut the fuck up I'm gonna make sure you shut the fuck up!!!!" and we didn't hear a peep outta spoken word man for the rest of the ride. Gosh, I've seen so much crazy stuff on the trains and buses her I could write a book. Not at all like my home country (Japan).
I'm used to pretty crazy things during my daily commute on the subway, haha. I'm pretty sure I read something about Japanese trains that they have to have seperate cars for men/women now because women were being molested/raped or whatever on the trains and in too many cases people didn't do anything because they didn't want to get involved. (Not trying to insult your country, this stuff happens everywhere) I think that's a little bit too crazy.
Yeah, some train lines have "Women Only" cars. The groping and such that goes on is CRAZY! Trains in Japan get sooooo crowded (well, Tokyo mainly) that you barely have room to move let alone try and find whoever it is groping you. We call gropers "chikan" in Japanese. Thankfully I've never been groped in the states.