
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by critter 11, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. my first post was here [l think there was 3 of us then].lol.l remember thinking it was all about being on the same plain,lol.a connection between stoners.l thought that we might make a difference if we were the world what stoners are really like .Well l meet some great people that l like to call friends,but l don,t see we have shown a great face to the world.?????????????????My 100 th post as critter 11.R.I.P critter 2.critter 11

    Registered: May 2003
    Posts: 100

  2. uhh... may?

    it says apr on my screen.

    critter 11

    Registered: Apr 2003
    Posts: 102

    musta been on the day it changed.
    other sid eof the globe and it makes a months difference.
  3. Congrads on your 100 post critter 11...

    May critter2 r.i.p.!
  4. yeah... the whole multiple critters thing has always confused me.

    are we to ever know the true nature of the critters? is it a single entity with multiple consciousnesses?

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