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lol where does your state fall blades?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Honor Roll, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Cocaine!!!!!!!
  2. New York state- Daily commute. Oh how ignorant. It would generalize all of my state as being NYC.
  3. connecticut: breast cancer
    i was hoping for something a little more interesting..oh well
  4. i abuse bitches
  5. Sweet the fourth thread of this same picture. Fuck yeah!

  6. Nebraska: highest rate of women murdered annually
    :eek: Good thing I'm a dude :smoke:
  7. Abortion! Haha last year I was on facebook and there was a little survey of who would be a better mother like a random thing between two girls and one of the girls had an abortion and one miscarried hahahahaha I thought it was funny
  8. Does anyone think that being in the state with "weakest government influence" would be such a bad thing? :p
  9. Yea I live in Western New York and it took me awhile to figure what the hell that meant, and then I remembered that when you say you are from New York everyone figures you are from NYC.
  10. South carolina - Most mobile homes. Probably most uneducated state as well.
  11. Hometown: Fatal car crashes

  12. Hey, lets meet up and die from cirrhosis of the liver!
  13. I think this should be in the general section, just saying
  14. lololol most mobile homes.

    south carolinians in the 1800's::::::

    we ain't got no slaves now. we cain't affowerd ower howsiz, cuz we ain't gone do no werk.


    btw btw btw

    i'm not trying to be mean, just making a joke of what people did after they legally could not own slaves.
  15. Homeless population.

    Many of whom play musical instruments and provide local color. Esp. the blue smurf guy.
  16. The thing is most people in your state live in NYC, so the statistic just represents that.

    Identity theft for my state.



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