Lol... the irony!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by vbrasta, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Sup everyone. well i didnt do shit today cuz i got sick right when i woke up.. so like 2 hours ago i called my boy for some bud, he said yeah i can find some pick me up and lets go. He was at my friends who lives nextdoor so we get goin, and then like halfway there my car hood starts smoking A LOT. i was like WTF and pulled over. i think i blew my radiotor, im still not sure whats wrong as this just happened...

    so we bag that and i drive home going like 40 over the limit just wanting to get home before it dies. we i get home and i was bored as shit, go i went to grasscity, RL stories, and licked start new thread to write this, when my phone rang!

    It was my neighbor, turns out he has bud but wasnt awnsering cuz he was reuppin on shrooms. So i roll over like 20 mins ago, got 3 grams of chron for 45 (cuz hes my boy and i helped him get started) we chill and take bong rips and he gave me 2 grams of shrooms to eat for free to "test" the new batch haha.i left after like 20 mins cuz i dont wanna get my boy sick and my parents are on their way home and i just dont like dealin with them at all so i dont want them to interrogate me where i was when im supposed to be sick.
    yeah im 18 but my parents still feel like they're the main power in my life and tell me how to do everything. they dont punish me anymore cuz im 18 but it still leads to HOURS of ENDLESS bitching.

    So i just got home, high as hell and this window was still opened... and im typing, and the shrooms are kickin in... hell yes.

    im going back over to my boys crib to mac on some bitches:smoking:

    peace yall:D
  2. be safe. good vibes to you.
  3. Nice story.
    Plus you got free shrooms on top of that day, I'd say awesome day dude. :smoking:
  4. damn thats whatsup my dude, have fun!
  5. I hate parents that are control freaks.

  6. You and me both brother. its some annoying ass shit :mad:

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