lol hahah pickup

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BongTron, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. haha, so my sister lent me 10$ so "I could go to burger king", haha. I will pay her back tomorrow.
    Haha, so I call my friend up ask if hes got a dime, he says yes, and told me to walk outside in 5 minutes. I walk out, wait about 10 minutes, and he's here. get the sack, it's really fat, 4 fatty bowls, i'm guessing 2 grams..
    Smoked a fat bowl prob .5g while walking down my driveway(it's like 2miles long haha) and I turn a corner right before I get around to my house and cut through and over a fallen tree and into a circle me and my dad cleared a while back that hasn't grown over yet, but around it has so it's just bushes and trees :smoking::smoking::smoking: it seems like 45 minutes or so (I live like 10-15 minutes from burger king, so like 30 minutes back plus like 5 minutes to get your foood. so like 35-40 minutes to get home) so perfect timing. I get back inside, go downstairs and give my sister change(money I had left, like 1.80 something) so it looked like I went to bk lol.. But really, this all happened in the period of about 20 minutes.


    peace out gc sorry for the wall

  2. thanks bro
  3. So hold on.. Did i miss somethin?

    You had 1.80 left over from 10 dollars after buying a dime bag?

    Who the fuck charges $8.20 for a dime bag?
  4. mmmm how i would love some BK right now...

  5. No lol. I meant I had a dollar 80 already before my sister lent me 10.
    my bad i'm blazed:smoking:

  6. Lmao thanks for not using the cool story bro
  7. LOL I'm so high! :hippie:

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