lol apple actually called it the ipad

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by UNAB0MB3R, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. That's what it seems like to me >.>
  2. Pretty much, still no flash support or multitasking though. I wonder if you can change the background on this one...
  3. Stupid device. Just an iPod touch you can't fit in your pocket or use to play music in the car.

  4. yeah you can.
  5. i was interested to see what this would be like....

    but it just seems like a bigger version of an ipod touch. i watched a bit of the official video on the ipod website and it was pissing me off. They were saying things like,

    "It's without a doubt the most brilliant way to surf the web EVER"


    "it's the most innovative piece of technology THAT DESTROYS NETBOOKS!"

    No it's not you assholes! It's a bigass ipod touch that looks pretty much impossible to compfortably type doccuments on. And you can't even multitask. lol:rolleyes:

    ...and no flash support?? WTF?
  6. iCarly is still the most successful iProduct imho.
  7. i read somewhere that it has the same processor as the ipod touch/iphone which means it really is a giant ipod touch that u can change the background on. the only thing i noticed that was better was the quality of youtube videos.

    no flash support= total retardedness
  8. My favourite Pre-release rumor was that it would have a built in "mini video projector", that shit would have been awsome!

    Atleast all the remora companys that make a living off selling Iphone and Ipod accessories will have a new item to sell.... Pants with oversized iPockets for thier Ipads :D
  9. apple is hands down my favorite company

    ...but lately as they've been making more and more money they have been getting worse and worse at staying in touch with what customers want. Look at the down hill slide so far....

    ...First iphone released with no 3G, those who bought it anyway got punished by not being able to buy the iphone 3g when it came out a year later because they where under contract.

    ---Second, again just one year later they make the same mistake by forging those who upgraded to the 3g a year later to pay $500 to upgrade to the 3gs

    Why can't they understand that letting at&t force 2 year contracts is hurting them because when apple releases a new iphone every year people blame them for having to full retail not at&t. if apple wants to continue coming out with a new iphone every year they must make it so that it costs the same out of money for both new contracts and existing iphone users

    and as for that embarrassment of a product they released on wednesday, wow...idk what to say. How could you be more off

    -no multi tasking, since when can a tablet not multi task, so your telling me i can't have a website, a word doc. and an email open at the same time?

    -no video chat? talk about future tech, two people having a video chat on a super thin touch screen device is something seen in movies, people connect that tech with future superior device. In my opinion excluding this will be very costly for apple (unless this is the holdback feature that will be released in the next refresh)

    -it had no "wow feature", remember when we first saw the iphone, the wow feature at that time was how you could manipulate things on the screen by pinching them, stretching them, and preforming other gestures.. I think in order for the iPad to become a blockbuster product it would have to of had a new way for people to interact with the internet/files

    -no flash, during the keynote while steve was demoing the ipad, he went into the browser and loaded up the website for the new york times. anyone else notice the lego block with the question mark that took up parts of the window, that is missing flash pieces to the website. how is it that the device that is supposed to to internet browsing better than a laptop not able to do flash. Thats embarrassing, i wanna hear what the BS excuse is this time for not having flash

    .....and of course, the name. Really? set aside the whole female product thing...didn't they think that iPad and iPod sound too much alike. I think for that reason alone iPad is a horrible name.
  10. Hit the nail right on the head.
  11. Congratulations, Crapple. You just created a touchscreen laptop w/o a keyboard. :rolleyes: Big fucking deal. The technology to do this existed in 2003 with WinXPMME, and the software keyboard function. Welcome to the 21st century Apple. :rolleyes:

    I will never buy an apple poduct. All they did is rip off WinXP MME, and use a stripped down version of OSX instead. What a bunch of lamers. I'll bet they locked it to the iTunes store too. :rolleyes:
  12. These features ARE interesting and pretty neat to have in a phone application (or anything similar in size)

    but I mean come on...

    You're paying ridiculous prices for an upgraded version of the itouch basically... (hey why not duct tape four of them together eh? same thing right?)

    I would prefer to spend money like that on a laptop that would have some power behind it.
  13. Nope, 4 iphones taped together could run 4 seperate apps..the new iPad can't do that :D
  14. you know i ddint even think about that... genious!

    Someone should produce it and sell it... "quad" core support for sure.
  15. see, now that would have been cool. i could play porn on busses as they drive by and shit :devious:
  16. agreed. i wouldnt use it as a phone computer or ipod so whats it supposed to be?

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