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LOL - Antidrug Statement

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jton, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I just read this on an Anti-Drug group on Facebook. This made me laugh:

    I recognize this statement could be sarcastic, but I found it hilarious all the same.
  2. lmfao. made my day :D
  3. I hope to god that that is fake.
  4. Not the dreaded marjuanas!! Whatever will we do?
  5. Hahaha I'm gunna go smoke a marijuanas.
  6. "Weed my anti-drug"
  7. Clearly sarcasm

  8. Still funny though :D
  9. sounds like someone smoked too many "marijuanas".:p
  10. I think I remember that,
    It's from the "I Hate Marijuana" group.
    It's a joke group.
  11. oh shit oh shit! i just smoked FIVE marijuanas!! im guanna die!!!!!!! :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:

  12. It was from "Teens who actually don't do drugs or smoke."
  13. HAHAHAHA WOW! that fucking hilarious , how stupid can that person be to do marijuanas more then 3 times?? EVERYONE KNOWS THE FOURTH TIME ALL WAYS GIVES YOU TON OF AIDS :D

  14. It gave me pubic lice. I smoked it weird. Don't ask.

  15. That too.
  16. Im already dead. 456435643564356456456 X over.
  17. Im doing marijuanas,i have the aids??:confused:
  18. Disregarding the fact that the grammar is that of a rock, you can not get AIDS from marijuana... AIDS can not survive outside of the body. When outside of the body something as weak as lemon juice can kill the virus. If the person did die from AIDS it would most likely from unprotected sex.
  19. Thanks TJJ! ;)
  20. i wana do a marijuanas. im taking a break for a drug test but god damn i want a marijuanas....
    i dont care if it gives me aid or gonorrheas LOL!!! :hello::hello::hello:

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