Logical Transcendence Of Negativity

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by TheJourney, May 3, 2012.

  1. Pay attention to the emotions that you feel, the resulting actions, and the overall results in your life. At the outset, do not repress negative emotions, if you do not truly understand their harm. This will just move them into the subconscious, where they will, in a subtle way, be within everything that you do, and will gain power over time. So the idea, at least at first, is not to force a change within yourself. Rather, the idea is to pay close attention to what you feel, what you do as a result, and what happens as a result. Simply be aware, pay attention. If you do this, you will undoubtedly see the destruction in negative emotions.

    You get angry, your anger comes out in your words and actions, conflict results, and then you are left feeling even worse than at first. Only when you can see this, truly see this with clarity, can you begin to enact real change within yourself. When you can see the harm, both internal and external, that results from negative emotions, abandoning negativity is no longer an issue of moral obligation. It is simply a pragmatic approach based on rational observation. Simple harm reduction, not only for others but for yourself. Now when you see these same negative emotions arising in yourself, emotions that you have seen the negative results that follow, you can logically see that it is best not to act on them. I am not speaking of repression here, as the results I am speaking of cannot come about through repression, but rather true understanding.

    Now when these emotions arise, the focus shifts to understanding, rather than reactionary expression. If you are able to apply the knowledge you have gained to this arising of negative emotions, the fire behind it should already begin to cool. You will likely still feel some negativity, and that is ok, in fact it is good for now, but you will have more control. Your rational mind will be functioning again. Now you should be with your emotions, not try to escape them. Rather, your approach should be not to act outwardly based on these emotions, which would only serve to keep that cycle of unwanted negativity in motion. You may feel some negativity, but you now know that acting on it will only make you feel worse in the end, and ultimately you want to transcend these unwanted emotions.
  2. In other words: Act, don't react. Be, don't do. Notice your feelings and accept them without reacting to how you feel. Creating this space is essential to transcend negative emotion.

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