Locked in the bathroom :(

Discussion in 'General' started by NowIsB, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. lol? too high i think; door dont have a handle on the inside (broke off a bit back), wanted it to be shut so i shut it n the door dont really fit well into the fram perfect unless you push kinda hard, but i pushed too hard and then the lock mechanism went into the hole in the frame instead of just being kind of shut if u kno what i mean 0.0

    guess ill take a shower
  2. LOL

    locked in a small room high with no entertainment, oh man.. GL OP
  3. well i do have my laptop, 34% battery lol... brought it in here to play music originally.. now it must serve me until i find a way out.... time is ticking away :(
  4. op now is your chance to take worlds longest dump.
  5. MacGuyver some blast charges man
  6. you got weed in there?
  7. Sounds like the set up to a new Saw movie.

    I want to play a game!

  8. lol this happened to a guy at my work once and all the screw heads for the door hingles / handle mechanism were all stripped out so we ended up busting out the ceiling tiles and pulling him out through the top of the ceiling, two of us were standing on a vending machine on the other side pulling this 200 lb dude up and through the ceiling, funny as fuck.
  9. Kick it down!! Also direct pressure on hinges they should be pretty easy to break
  10. if your ganna be stuck in there for awhile

    watch porn and jack off and take a nap until someone rescues you
  11. Find a nail and tap out the pins in the hinges, if you have access to them.
  12. Live out the rest of your days in there
  13. Nice knowing you op ..... At least you got water
  14. Yeah.. Sure;)
  15. If it's your house and not your parents or someone elses, just kick the door open?

    If it's your parents and they're out, I'd say you're fucked until they get back.
  16. lol its my dads house i came home for the weekend n he just left for the mall a bit ago

    pretty sure ill be able to get out, i just gotta find somethin to pry these nails in the hinges out with, they all have a gap between the nail and the hinge itself, so

    but i did take a shower n there is a spider bite on my inner thigh, shit hurts yo, like a lil lump or somethin down there.

    also i cant kick down an cherry oak door
  17. Jumping out the window ?
  18. If you can't pry the hinge pins out. Maybe you could take the end of the handle on some finger nail clippers and unscrew the hinges from the door. I've had to do that before..
  19. Your going to turn into spiderman now. To bad all his superpowers sucks so you still cant get out.

  20. downstairs bathroom

    i got 1 out but the other 2 are being gay, also i cant see the hinge screws, they are between the door and the frame

    i do have the door handle that broke off and the lock mechanism that was in it in the bathroom with me.

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