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Location Location

Discussion in 'General' started by wikstaa, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I often hear people on the internet moaning about there being nobody in the area they live so this is simple everyone write where they live in the world and why not throw in what the buds like at the moment :) you never know you could be sharing a bowl with someone you never knew 2morro!!!
    Sharing Is Caring! :smoke:

  2. [​IMG]

    Hes obviously a cop lol jp.. But they have groups for that.
  3. Worcester, MA!
  4. naah im not a cop man :) ask me sumthing a cop wouldnt know besides i live in the uk man it wouldnt make sense for a cop to front up an operation on a website like this as its not illegal to talk about it man! lol come on im jus interested in where all the weedheads at! :smoke:
  5. Cops know everything man, haven't you seen the news?!

    So.. what is nothing? :smoke:
  6. #6 DriftingApart, Mar 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2012
    This has uncanny labeled on it, cop or not.

    No offense dude, I just got that vibe about this thread when I read the title emphasizing the topic of location, and then coming across as friendly. Plus the fact that you highlighted a common desire amongst new smokers, combined with your wanna be tough user name has mixed personalities written all over it.
  7. #7 BuddhistBrian, Mar 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2012
    I think the planet I above currently is called Earth?

    I'm really high :smoke:
  8. I'm from Arkham City.

  9. Clearly a cop. "live in england" on the internet, uses the word "man" often. No one says weedheads; we are not drug addicts.
  10. We do have a "LOCATION" section located under our avatars.

    As you can see I live in Owsley Stanleys Lab.
  11. Nice try but if I tell you your going to sell me encyclopedias
  12. Can't believe people actually think a cop would waste their time trying to catch kids smoking a bowl of weed on an Internet forum used by people all over the world simply by asking them what area they live in..
  13. No i am not a cop? seriously man! and where i live everyone says weedheads! whatever anyway man i just wanted to see if there was any1 new i could smoke with where i live :smoke:
  14. THANK YOU! plus rep for that man! :smoke:
  15. People are paranoid cause everyone thinks they're important :cool:
  16. [quote name='"Bobby Blendz"']Can't believe people actually think a cop would waste their time trying to catch kids smoking a bowl of weed on an Internet forum used by people all over the world simply by asking them what area they live in..[/quote]

    A lot of us grow here and have journals. I personally operate on a large scale, plus I post pictures of my large pick ups.

    I take major precautions when I post these things, but to think there AREN'T law enforcement on this website is beyond ignorant.
  17. [quote name='"wikstaa"']

    THANK YOU! plus rep for that man! :smoke:[/quote]

    Guess people are just paranoid lol.

    I live on cape cod, MA by the way. In puerto rico right now though, loving it so much.
  18. haha thats actualli what they look like over here! apparantly they wear the big hats to make them look taller? lol idiots rele! :smoke:
  19. ahh! bet its nice and hot there and looking out my window at rain :( and an empty stash jar :(

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